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This project is submitted as Project 3 for IDT 7052.
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Instructional Design & Technology

Published on Jun 28, 2016

A Conceptual Diagram of the Field of Instructional Design & Technology


Instructional Design & Technology

A Visual Definition by Stephanie Lancaster
This project is submitted as Project 3 for IDT 7052.

Isn't it frustrating when an important term is hard to define?

Photo by kanegen

What's green, sour, and is held by hand in a vertical position when it's eaten?

A lime popsicle?

Photo by Thomas Hawk

Or a pickle.

Photo by spanginator

In the field of Instructional Design & Technology, it can feel like you're in quite a pickle when you're faced with coming up with a clear definition.

My Evolving Definition of IDT

To get the full effect of this short video, please do both of the following things:
1. Click on the little triangle in the bottom right-hand corner of the slide to start the video.
2. When the video begins, click on the little wheel ("Settings") under the YouTube logo, and slide the "Annotations" bar over so that you see the comments in the speech bubbles to include greater detail beginning at the 13 second point as the video plays.

Link to Video: https://youtu.be/kS3EoxAYp0w

Untitled Slide

This image can be viewed in document form at http://tinyurl.com/IDT7052sl3

Untitled Slide

I think of IDT in terms of this simile:
The TECHNOLOGY component is like a vehicle.
The INSTRUCTION piece is like the driver.
And the DESIGN element is like a map.

Using all of these things together in a skilled manner (as those in the field of IDT do) allows for more efficient and dependable achievement of one's end goals.

And that's my two cents' worth

Thank you for viewing this Haiku Deck presentation!

~Stephanie Lancaster
Photo by Garen M.

References: http://tinyurl.com/ IDT7052sl2