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Instrumental Musician

Published on Oct 09, 2017

An Instrumental Musician is a solo artist that can write original music and collaborate with groups and orchestras.


Instrumental Musician

Presentation by mekhi woods

An Instrumental Musician is a solo artist that can write original music and collaborate with groups and orchestras.

An Instrumental Musician is a solo artist that can write original music and collaborate with groups and orchestras.

What Do they do?

  • Improvisation during performaces
  • Write orgininal music
  • Playing along side orchestras
  • Recording in the music studio alongside others
  • Direct orchestras and bands
These are only a few of the things that a Instrumental Musician does. Depend of the sub-category of this profession they can go from writing music to practicing to performing on a daily basis.


  • 4-year bachelor's degree (most of the time)
  • Knowledge of your instrument
  • You have to be Artistic and Enterprising
  • Knowledge of the Fine Arts and theories behind music composure
Once again, depending on the type of musician you might need to addition for a spot, like in a large orchestra. Some areas of this profession need you to play multiple instruments, like if you were in a band or a soloist. There is various aspects needed to become a instrumentalist but these are the bare basics.

Untitled Slide

The job level is based on skill of the musician.
Entry($39,899 )->

The pay for musicians is very varied and can depend greatly on the type of instrumentalist they become. Some have to sell their songs to get payed and others are payed regularly since they are in a group, such as an orchestra.
Photo by 401(K) 2013

This job is not in high demand nor is it easy to get into. Annually there is about 550 job openings in various areas.

Although the annual job openings are scarce, that number is mostly for groups and orchestras that have openings. You could still be a soloist and be called a instrumental musician. At the end of the day this career all depends on your skill.
Photo by Tax Credits


$39,899 ON AVERAGE, DEPENDING ON YOUR SKILL. $119,950 to $202,463 annually
Like I said previously, salary for this profession can range from being payed in bulk at various times of the year to being payed regularly by a superior.
Photo by 401(K) 2013

Why do I want to be this?

I have an avid love for music and a career that lets me pursue that love is my dream job. I have and still love to create and play music on a daily basis so this job wouldn't even be to different than what I already do.
Photo by YngveNilsen