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International food

Published on Nov 24, 2015

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International food

By: Yaya

Pastistio is a Greek dish that is Very flavorful and is one of the dish traditions

Most of Indian foods are used with curry and is very spicy ,but spices are good for the blood.

This is the Bandeja Montenera and is ate in Colombia as a breakfast and would last you the whole day without hunger.

Dominican food is actually One of the most Greasy food in the world. This is Fragrant asopa with shrimp and rice with Tostones which are fried plantains

American culture has one of the most unhealthy eating habits and 1/4 people eat fast food.

Mexican food is most of the times spicy and enriched with many flavors. In this picture are Enchiladas verdes

Puerto Rican food is almost the same like Dominican food, most places like in the Caribbean's have similar foods ,but are unique. In this picture is a Mofongo