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this picture was once a beautiful house, but it was damaged. the same can happen with your reputation.
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internet safety words

Published on Nov 19, 2015

internet safety



opinion that a group has on someone or something
this picture was once a beautiful house, but it was damaged. the same can happen with your reputation.
Photo by tigebishi


to continue to do something even when you are told to stop
you may want the rain to stop, but it will not. It will continue until it floats off.
Photo by kenjonbro


the situation in which something happens
this picture represents context because it shows someone who looks like they are flying, but that is only how you see it. this person is just jumping, but it looks like they are doing something else
Photo by jev55


to connect someone to a post by putting their name on it
this is the sign that tags someone in a social messaging site. this can get people in trouble.


not available for the public
this shows that privacy is intended, but isn't always as private as you may think.
Photo by Garret Voight


for everyone to see
this shows that even though you are public and clean, one wrong move can pop you.
Photo by Jeff Kubina


how a person sees something
this picture demonstrates how perception can be changed and bent, such as these clouds.
Photo by victor_nuno


something that actually happens
the car represents you , and the white car represents bad things. you may think everything is great, but in reality(the bottom half) bad things could be on the way
Photo by WindwalkerNld


to explain the meaning of something
this picture represents how hard some things are to interpret, and people might interpret things the wrong way.
Photo by Harald Groven


to publish online
this picture shows that one post online could be a proverbial post in real life. it could hold the fence that holds you back from your opportunities.
Photo by profcarlos


putting out for the public
this picture is a book because once you publish something it can become an open book, anyone can read it.


path of an object
this represents the path of your life, which can change at anytime.


to interpret something wrongly
this shows that if someone misconstrues something, then tells someone else, it will spread fast and could hurt you


shadow of something or a brief description of someone or something
some people may have a profile picture, but that doesn't mean they are who they say they are.


who someone is
this picture shows that an identity is like a fingerprint. It defines and follows you.