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Interpersonal Wellness

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Interpersonal Wellness

Facts and Tips

Socially isolated people are more susceptible to illness and have a death rate two to three times higher than those who are not socially isolated.

People who maintain their social network and support systems do better under stress.

More than half (55%) of Canadians aged 15 years and older [feel] close to at least five family members...

Photo by Tobyotter

...and 51% [of Canadians] reported having five or more close friends.

Photo by wwarby

Touching, stroking and hugging...

can improve health!
Photo by cheetah100


really is the best medicine!

Cholesterol levels go up when human companionship is lacking.

A strong social network can create a good mood and enhance self-esteem.

Photo by Frau Hölle