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Intro to Hinduism

Published on Dec 06, 2015

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Intro to Hinduism

The nuts & bolts
Photo by AlicePopkorn

At first...

Aryans & non-Aryans followed their own religions.
Photo by AlicePopkorn

Their religions blended together.

Photo by { pranav }


  • No founder
  • Collection of religious beliefs
  • Developed slowly over time


  • Share common worldview
  • Religion- liberation of soul
  • Utilize Vedas
  • Also use the Upanishads
Photo by Vasanthakumar

Hindu Beliefs

  • Atman- individual being's soul
  • Brahman- world soul (unites all atmans)
  • Moksha- understanding of Brahman & atman
  • Samsara- reincarnation (rebirth)

Hindu Beliefs Cont.

  • Karma- good or bad deeds
  • Dharma- path of rightousness
Photo by noahg.

Achieving Moksha

Click to add more text here
Photo by Collin Key

Path of Right Thinking

Path of Right Action

Path of Religious Devotion

Photo by harold.lloyd

Hindu Dieties


World Soul


The Creator

Vishnu the Protector

Shiva the Destroyer

Other Hindu deities...

Hinduism is a way of LIFE

as much as it is a religion

Om Symbol

Om = ah-oo-mm
Used during prayer

Photo by nabeel_yoosuf

Om (Aum) Symbol Represents:

  • Earth, Air, & Heaven
  • Three main Hindu Gods

Respect for the Living

All living things contain a divine spirit...
Photo by Guerito

If you harm a living thing...

You harm Brahma...

Brahma is the source of all life

Photo by blmiers2

Hindu Swastika vs.

Nazi Swastika

Hindu Swastika = "all is well"

Photo by paularps

A little different than what we think of when we see this today...

Photo by Andrew Oliver

Daily Life

& Practices

Dietary Guidelines

  • Most Hindus are lacto-vegetarians
  • Most Hindus will eat dairy products
  • Strict Hindus do not eat eggs, meat (beef)
Photo by smith_cl9


Photo by EnekoMenica

Cows are sacred...

  • Till soil
  • Provide milk
  • Cow dung = fuel
  • Cows created on same day as priests
  • Symbol of motherhood
Photo by miez!

Despite being sacred...

Photo by Melle plante

...cows are creating problems in India...

Photo by K Krishnan

...with overcrowding...

Photo by illuminaut

...and pollution...

...and creating traffic jams

Photo by goingslo


or as we know it... "The Dot"

What does it signify?

  • Serves as a reminder of faith 
  • Accentuates the "third eye"
  • Symbol of the "Supreme Being"
Photo by pulguita

Three Lines

Represent the three truths

Right Thought
Right Speech
Right Deed (action)

Photo by VinothChandar

Shaving one's head in Hinduism...

...is seen as a symbol of total submission to their Hindu gods.

Hindu Festival:


Holi- Festival of Colors

  • Spring festival
  • Glorifies good harvest
  • Glorifies fertility of the land

Hindu Festival: Diwali

Diwali- Festival of Lights

  • Four days of celebration (late fall)
  • Like Hindus' "Christmas"
  • Celebrates victory of forces of light
Photo by aloshbennett


The nuts & bolts