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Intro to Islam

Published on Mar 21, 2016

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Intro to Islam

Photo by A.Davey


Tribal peoples called Arabs
Photo by global.quiz


Nomadic Arabs, tribes led by a Sheikh (ruler)
Photo by oliverlaumann

Descendants of Abraham through Ishmael


  • Dry and hot
  • Important trade route to North Africa and Ethiopia
  • Water is a resource worth fighting for

Mecca and Medina

Centers of trade

Meccan Society

  • Mostly Arab Polytheism
  • Common to see Zoroastrians, Jews, and Christians
  • Trade market dominated by Quraysh family


Granite shrine dedicated to Allah.
Photo by Citizen59


  • Dedicated to Allah, but housed tribal god statues.
  • No weapons allowed by Arab tribes.
  • Therefore, a center of trade.
Photo by Citizen59


  • Orphaned at 5 y/o
  • Became successful merchant
  • Received revelations from angel Jibril (Gabriel)
  • Preached social justice and monotheism near Kabah


"The Recitation", the Muslim holy text
Photo by Ranoush.


"God" in Arabic for Muslims, Jews, and Christians
Photo by drakoheart


"Submission" to the will of Allah
Photo by Malik_Braun


One who "submits" to the will of Allah
Photo by Almas Baig

First Muslims

  • Violently driven out of Mecca by Quraysh tribe.
  • First Muslims sought refuge in Medina.
  • When Quraysh attempts to exterminate first Muslims failed, Muhammad took control of Mecca.

Five Pillars of Islam

  • Confession of faith in one God and in the prophet Muhammad

Five Pillars of Islam

  • Confession of faith in one God and in the prophet Muhammad
  • Prayer five times a day

Five Pillars of Islam

  • Confession of faith in one God and in the prophet Muhammad
  • Prayer five times a day
  • Almsgiving

Five Pillars of Islam

  • Confession of faith in one God and in the prophet Muhammad
  • Prayer five times a day
  • Almsgiving: Tithe of 2.5% of personal wealth
  • Fasting during Ramadan

Five Pillars of Islam

  • Confession of faith in one God and in the prophet Muhammad
  • Prayer five times a day
  • Almsgiving: Tithe of 2.5% of personal wealth
  • Fasting during Ramadan
  • HAJJ: Pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in life


  • Islamic law code established after death of Muhammad.
  • Based on interpretations of Qur'an.
  • No separation of religion and politics.

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Rise of Arab Empires

Photo by Dun.can


  • Caliph: Religious and secular leader after the death of Mohammed
  • Abu Bakr: First Caliph
Photo by Nikos Niotis

Umayyad Dynasty

Photo by Waqqas

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Photo by prince_volin

Split in Islam

  • SHIA / SHI'ITES: Accept only descendants of Mohammad as caliph
  • SUNNI: Accept only descendants of Umayyads as caliph

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