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Intro to Speech I

Published on Jan 09, 2016

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Intro to Speech I

The Basics
Photo by techsupremo

top 10 phobias

  • 10. Brontophobia- fear of thunder and lightening. 2%
  • 9. Agoraphobia- fear of open spaces. 2.2%
  • 8. Claustrophobia- fear of confined spaces. 2.5%
  • 7. Aerophobia- fear of flying. 6.5%
  • 6. Sociophobia- fear of people or social situations. 7.9 %

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  • 5. Acrophobia- fear of heights. 10%
  • 4. Achluophobia- fear of darkness. 11%
  • 3. Aracnophobia- fear of spiders. 30.5 %
  • 2. Necrophobia- fear of death. 68%
Photo by cloudzilla

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  • 1. Glossophobia- fear of public speaking 74%