Therefore Pilate said to Him, “So You are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say correctly that I am a king. For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.”
Pilate said to Him,
"What is truth?"
(John 18:37-38)
INTRO to Theology
According to Jesus, truth sets people free.
Discuss: What was Pilate's dilemma?
Can truth be relative?
Why is truth, concrete truth, important?
Theology: What is it? Why is it important?
"Theology is the disciplined study of God, His works, and His relation to them, in order to love, worship, and obey God according to the truth." (2)
It is "any study that answers the question, 'What does the whole Bible teach us today?' about any given topic." (John Frame)
So, why is ST important to the life of a Christian?
Why does this require humility?
Exodus 3:1-6
Burning bush scene. Read together.
Discuss how when Moses approached God, he quickly learned about God's first quality: HIS HOLINESS.
Why is this important for us to remember as we seek to understand God?
Is there any greater honor to know and to be known by God?
Building Blocks (3-4)
- Exegesis
- Biblical Theology
- Historical Theology
- Systematic Theology
- Spiritual Theology
1. Exegesis
- Meaning "out of" text
- What is the text saying?
- Not "Eisegesis"
- Scriptural Fidelity
2. Biblical Theology
- Whole books
- Authors
- Themes
- "Metanarrative"
3. Historical Theology
- Church's past
- Biblical Faith
- How doctrines develop
4. Systematic Theology
- What does ALL of Scripture say about _______?
- What can we conclude?
- How do I live it out?
- How do I relate to God?
- Based on #'s 1-4.
What happens when we reverse this order?
Why is this order important?
- What does it say?
- What are the connections?
- How can the past inform us?
- What is the conclusion of Scripture?
- How does this shape my life?
"In essentials, unity...
Christ, baptism, Holy Spirit, etc.
"One Lord, One Faith..."
in non-essentials, liberty...
Ex: foods to eat
in all things, charity." (9)
Act out of love, not selfishness.
1st John: Following God is to love His people.
Divine Revelation:
How has God revealed His truth?
1. General or Natural Revelation
Note: how Christ is the agent of Creation and therefore part of God's revelation through our world.
2. Special Revelation
Adam and Eve
Culmination is JESUS.
Special Revelation...
- Historical Events
- Divine Speech
- Incarnation
- Scripture
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Christ is God revealed
Christ is the greater Moses
He is the WORD of God.
Read quote from Skarsaune's book on incarnation (pgs 35-36)
Scripture & Canon:
How did it come to us?
What is "Canon"?
- Rule
- Standard
- Norm
- Authority
- Collection of Scripture
God passing down His truth to mankind.
1. Apostolic involvement?
3. Value to regular worship of God?
4. Inspired of God?
(2 Tim. 3:16-17)
5. Withstood test of time?
Early church fathers
Fighting for the Truth
- Marcion
- Montanus
- Gnosticism
- (see pg. 29)
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Mingles in Gnostic writings dates much later than the Canon:
"The Gospel of Thomas"
"The Thunder: Perfect Mind"
"The Secret Revelation of John"
The "Apocrypha"
- Deuterocanonical
- Intertestamental (between testaments)
- Babylonian Exile (Chanukah)
- Valuable, but not = to a
Discuss the Maccabees and Hanukkah briefly (for its historical and spiritual benefit).
Inspiration & Authority of Scripture
Dual authorship:
Human & Divine
Distinguishable but indivisible
Time period
Author's POV
"The restoration of the relationship between God and humanity."
Divine Authority...
(pgs. 39-41)
"We must acknowledge that although God's revelation was written FOR us, it was not written TO us."
Holy Spirit Confirms its authority
"For as God alone is a fit witness of himself in His Word, so also the Word will not find acceptance in men's hearts before it is sealed by the inward testimony of the Spirit." (John Calvin)
Our Response...
- Repentance
- Hope
- Forgiveness
- Reconciliation
- Faith & Obedience
- Mission
Scripture's Innerrancy:
Can we trust it?
Casey's doctor story about how doctor by totally correct in a prognosis due to facts (inerrant), but can still be fallible in technique or a sickness'es outcome. The Bible is neither errant or fallible in its truths.
To err is human...
We are errant in how we can read scripture from our own perspectives and biases.
The Bible is...
- Pre-Modern
- Phenomenological Perspective
- Often symbolic & analogical
Psalm 19 (the course of the sun from Hebrew perspective is correct, but to ours sounds silly).
But the TRUTH is still sound and perfect and timeless.
Bible loves analogies.
Do we have the original "autographs"?
In short, we do not have the ONE original copy of the New Testament because...
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Discuss Transmission:
Letters (on papyrus manuscript—very fragile)
Later, collections of letters became Codices (bound books)
Later, we created
This is the oldest known fragment of the Greek New Testament: "p52" (p for Papyrus). Dates to late 1st century to early 2nd century (within a generation of the original author!)
Contains John 18:31-33
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This demonstrates the abundance of NT manuscripts, showing a rich tradition when compared to other famous Greek writers.
Also note the proximity of manuscript writing to the actual events!
"An embarrassment of riches." (Dan Wallace)
He is referring to the sheer number of viable manuscripts that NT scholars have when compared to other Greek histories.
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Discuss the "GPS" analogy for manuscripts:
No we do not have ONE single original copy. What we do have is an "embarrassment of riches" to pinpoint the original text.
Clarity of Scripture
- Self-interpreting on essentials
- Core message accessible
- Some challenging parts
Sufficiency of Scripture
- Complete revelatory guide to will of God.
- Not to be ignored.
- Not to be subordinated.
- Answers every question?