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Slide Notes

Welcome to World History at James Irvine Intermediate School. This presentation will take you through the expectations for this class...in other words "How to Survive World History".

Please make sure to read the Expectations in the History Classroom on pages 113-114 in the agenda book.
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Intro to World History

Published on Nov 18, 2015

This is a presentation created for the first day of school. It highlights main points from the Classroom Expectations.


Welcome to World History

Dr. Atkinson
Welcome to World History at James Irvine Intermediate School. This presentation will take you through the expectations for this class...in other words "How to Survive World History".

Please make sure to read the Expectations in the History Classroom on pages 113-114 in the agenda book.
Photo by Kyle Glenn

Learning Community

Cooperative, open learning environment with choices
Photo by JD Hancock

You will learn to...

Share, work, accept, disagree, take risks
It is okay to disagree with someone's opinion. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, even if it differs from yours.

I am a fan of taking risks. It's an important part of the growth process. You will never be penalized for taking risks. =)
Photo by » Zitona «

Classroom rules

When in doubt, ask permission

Tardy policy

Be in seat before bell rings


Warning, detention, home contact, referral
Photo by Rachid Lamzah


Satisfaction of learning
Photo by pasotraspaso

Medieval world history

Arabia, china, Japan, Europe, americas
Photo by João Silas


  • Chromebook
  • Earbuds/Headset
  • Binder
  • Agenda book
  • Pencil and pen
  • Paper
  • Mask
If you have earbuds and a stylus, please bring those to class. If you don't have earbuds or a stylus, I have some in class that you can borrow.
Photo by seanmcgrath


as needed,  one day late only
Most of what we do can be done in class. If you waste class time, then you will likely have homework to do.

Please make sure to turn in homework on time.
Photo by JJ Thompson

Absent/make-up work

It's your responsibility
Photo by Funchye

So you want extra credit?

How about doing all of the regular credit?

Learning scales

You choose your level of learning
Photo by Stéfan

1:1 Device

meaningful learning with technology
Photo by rasdourian


Highlight the URL on page 113 of Agenda Book
Photo by Ales Nesetril


when the teacher says "find a partner"

Student evaluation

Summative & formative assessments, participation
You will be assessed in three different categories: participation/homework (10% of overall grade); formative assessments (30% of overall grade); and summative assessments (60% of overall grade).

Homework is graded according to completion/effort. Students, however, are expected to correct their homework when it is reviewed in class.

Formative assessments are typically quizzes and digital projects all of which are graded for accuracy.

Summative assessments are typically unit tests. All students are required to complete Level 3 (multiple choice). Level 4 (short answer) and Level 5 (essay) are optional.
Photo by Enthuan

Learning Journey

Photo by Matt Duncan


PowerSchool Learning, GAFE
We use a variety of technology tools in this class. Our PowerSchool class website contains the daily agenda and other important information.

PowerSchool is our online learning space. Most of our digital work will begin and end in PowerSchool.

Google Classroom is where I will push out assignments that are either Google Docs or Google Slides. The Levels 4 & 5 for the summative assessment will also be pushed out through Google Classroom.

Google Apps for Education (GAFE) consists of the Google suite of tools that our district has adopted. Essentially, your child has a GGUSD Gmail account that he/she can use until they graduate from GGUSD.
Photo by Caucas'


Room 14 (before & after school) & Email (until 8Pm)
Photo by Kalexanderson