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Slide Notes

An introduction to Box of Broadcasts for academic staff at the University of Leeds.

This complements the OD&PL workshop.

Photo attribution: wbeem on flicker at https://www.flickr.com/photos/52254014@N00/4900091630
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Introduction to Box of Broadcasts: Supporting Student Education

The University of Leeds subscribes to Box of Broadcasts (BoB), an online service which allows staff and students to view and share over 2 million digital assets from over 65 TV channels and radio stations. Find archived BBC content from the 1990's.

Simply visit BoB at https://learningonscreen.ac.uk/ondemand and log in with your own details to explore and record your chosen digital content.

Record a programme and add it to your various playlists.

Create shorter clips to share with learners/peers during teaching sessions.


Introduction to Box of Broadcasts

An introduction to Box of Broadcasts for academic staff at the University of Leeds.

This complements the OD&PL workshop.

Photo attribution: wbeem on flicker at https://www.flickr.com/photos/52254014@N00/4900091630

Once upon a time...

Sharing digital content with learners?
Remember these?

Remember how we used them for teaching and learning in the 1980's and 1990's? Grappling over the TV and VHS recorder as we wheeled them into the classroom.
Photo by axeldeviaje


British Universities Film and Video Council 1948
The British Universities Film & Video Council (BUFVC) is a representative body promoting the production, study and use of moving image, sound and related media for learning and research.

Box of Broadcasts was crated in 2007.

Welcome to Box of Broadcasts (BoB)

Access to 2 million resources
Box of Broadcasts (BoB) is an online TV and radio recording service for higher and further education institutions in the UK. The University of Leeds subscribes to BoB via learning on screen enabling staff and students to watch, listen, share and embed audio/video content for educational and non-commercial purposes.

From Maths to Media Studies, you can find the content
you need from over 2,000,000 TV and radio programmes

• View, record and share programmes
• One-click citation to reference programmes in your work
• Create playlists, clips (clip compilations coming soon)
• Search rolling transcripts and subtitles
• Available on all devices

Find out more about BoB by visiting: http://bufvc.ac.uk/tvandradio/bob/bob-video-tutorials

Photo by Thomas Hawk


The University of Leeds subscribes to Box of Broadcasts (BoB), an online service which allows staff and students to view and share over 2 million digital assets from over 65 TV channels and radio stations. Find archived BBC content from the 1990's.

Simply visit BoB at https://learningonscreen.ac.uk/ondemand

Log in with your own details to explore and record your chosen digital content. Record a programme and add it to your various playlists. Create shorter clips to share with learners during teaching sessions.

Discuss and Debate

Why use audio and video for learning and teaching?
Why not start your lecture off by incorporating some music available on one of the various radio channels: classical, folk, rock, punk, jazz....it's all available via BoB.

Ask questions to your students to leverage discussion and then follow this up with some media.

Remember students can create their own playlists and clips in BoB also which they can include in their own digital presentations.

This also presents an opportunity to discuss digital literacy.

We all know that video, sound, music and podcasts can be incorporated in teaching and learning to enlighten, engage and entertain.

There are various JISC guides on digital media and student engagement. https://www.jisc.ac.uk/guides/using-digital-media-in-new-learning-models

Refer to the HEA toolkit on TEL also at:

Here at the University there has been a project on Digital Storytelling in partnership with JISC and this is worth exploring further although the focus is on the creation of digital media rather than using existing content.

Visit: http://www.leeds.ac.uk/articulate/presentations/digital_stories/

We now have a wide range of digital resources at our fingertips and we can find multimedia content on almost any topic via channels like YouTube, Vimeo, Flickr, Vine, and open education resources such as the Khan Academy, TrueTube, TedEd etc.

Tools such as ViewPure and TubeChop have been developed alongside platforms like YouTube to make them more accessible.

However there are disadvantages to using some of these channels.


  • 65 free-to-air channels
  • Create playlists of content: 80,000+ publicly available
  • Create shorter edited clips
  • Access subtitles
  • Apply citing tools for easy referencing
  • Share content easily with students
  • Incorporate into flipped teaching
  • Engage your audience
There are over 65 channels including 10 foreign Radio stations available through BoB.


You can choose to record digital content and share this to various playlists that you create based on topic/subject.

You can also "edit" content to view specific frames.

BoB is great tool for language students as there is a rolling "script" of text which accompanies the sound track.

Students can simply copy and paste the citing links attached to the content.

You can share links to content via the VLE or social media like Twitter.
Photo by 13desetembro

Copyright cleared TV and sound

Covered by the ERA Licence
Finding copyright cleared material can be a challenge for educators. All digital content available in BoB is covered by the ERA licence so you can record, view and share any content available in BoB without having to worry about copyright.
Photo by Horia Varlan


Has this ever happened to you before?


...or this?

Why take the gamble if the media resource you are looking for is already available via BoB.

The chances are, if the content has recently been aired on TV and radio on one of the popular channels then it should be available via BoB.

How much of the earth is covered by desert?

How much of the earth is covered by desert?

Is the Gobi Desert always hot?


(Taken from one of the greatest storytellers of our time, David Attenborough)

What is this animal?

Aid discussion, use BoB clips as ice-breakers.


will it save us or enslave us?

Artificial Intelligence....
Will artificial intelligence save us or enslave us?

Watch the Channel 4 News debate.


How do you build a bridge in an earthquake zone?

One of the longest bridges in the world built in an earthquake zone.

Rio-Antirrio bridge built in Gulf in Corinth.

Photo attribution: By Eusebius, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=39009078


Richard Hammond reveals how engineers made one of the longest bridges in the world earthquake-proof. Building a structure almost 3 kilometres long in water 65 metres deep was almost the least of the engineering challenges of bridging the Gulf of Corinth in Greece. The construction would cross one of the most active seismic fault lines in Europe. Defying disaster called for solutions inspired by fragrant Indian incense, the ring-pull in a soda can, a tobbogan, a hammock, and some shiny steel chimney

Can we prevent climate change?

Listen to Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of the UN Framework for the Convention on Climate Change.


How can we harness the desert?

Man's tenacity!
See how the Hopi tribe in the Wild West manage to harvest their corn...in the desert. The tenacity of man!

Photo by szeke

Is there life on Mars?

Is there life on Mars? How can we find out?

https://learningonscreen.ac.uk/ondemand/index.php/clip/25080 (Taken from Radio 4: BBC Inside Science)
Photo by jasonb42882

Would you want to know your future?


If you continue on your current path....
Photo by jacilluch

View content on mobile devices

Enhanced BoB now mobile
The recently enhanced BoB, provided by "learningonscreen" is now accessible on all mobile devices. Students can log in and watch on the move.
Photo by Enthuan


  • Add BoB to your toolkit
  • Use in lectures and share on Minerva
  • Consider "flipped" approach
  • Encourage students to incorporate into their own learning
  • Add your own content to playlists
Ideas on integrating BoB:

1. Liven up teaching sessions and presentations with short clips from media to engage the audience.
2. Send media to students / participants prior to a workshop as a flipped learning activity to reflect on concepts or topics.
3. Embed or link to material within the VLE or on your website.
4. Share links on social media such as Twitter to generate online discussions.
5. Encourage participants to comment on clips using the “comment” facility within BoB. 6. Refer to recent current affairs and general news/media coverage to ensure presentations are relevant and up-to-date.
7. Include documentaries and programmes in research related workshops and employ the easily accessible citing tools.
8. Crop clips to save time and seamlessly integrate into presentations or online documentation.

Photo by betmari

Student Ambassador for BoB
Rory Haworth-Galt: ml14rhg@leeds.ac.uk

Rory Haworth-Galt is a student ambassdor for BoB.

Rory is happy to speak to students at the University of Leeds to explain the benefits of incorporating BoB into research, teaching and learning.



Let's explore further: Log in at...
There are various 30 minute online demonstrations at the University of Leeds to introduce staff to BoB.

Book online at: http://bit.ly/BoB_Training

The Digital Learning Team can provide further support on the use of Box of Broadcasts.

Photo by Official GDC