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Why use the IOP online diagnostic testing facility?

How can it be used?

By Alan Weller
Senior Physics lecturer, UEL
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IOP Diagnostic Testing

Published on Apr 27, 2016

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IOP Diagnostic Testing

Alan Weller UEL
Why use the IOP online diagnostic testing facility?

How can it be used?

By Alan Weller
Senior Physics lecturer, UEL

IOP Diagnostic Testing

  • What is it?
  • Why use it?
  • How can it be used?
Photo by thebarrowboy


  • Free on-line testing
  • Physics KS4 curriculum
  • No maths
  • Visual questions
  • Adaptive and set questions
  • Easy, medium, hard questions
  • Diagnostic
Photo by Official GDC

A Tool for Pupil Progress



  • Diagnostic
  • Challenging
  • Engaging
  • Flexible
  • Easy
  • Self Study
Photo by albertogp123

A diagnostic question (or task) is one which provides evidence of a learner's understanding of a specific idea. The pupil's response gives us reasonably clear evidence about whether he or she understands, or does not understand, this idea. Sometimes the question can also help us to diagnose what a pupil's difficulty is - why he or she is not giving the correct answer. If so, this may make it easier to respond effectively and help pupils move their understanding on.

Newton's Third Law

50% Get it wrong

100% of Chemists and Biologists

no gravity in space

Results by topic


Trainee from Imperial with Masters in Physics

Untitled Slide

Engaging, Fun



  • Choose questions according to difficulty
  • Create tests on a single topic
  • Platform independent
  • Repeatable tests for AFL



  • Audit of subject knowledge on PGCE and SKE
  • At interview
  • For discussions in class
  • Online Webinar
  • Screencasting Youtube

Scaffolding at interview

In class discussions

Photo by mariskar

Collaborative online whiteboard

Moving Forward
linking to SPT, screencasting for self study