Archimedes is regarded as one of the best mathematicians to have ever lived. He was born in 287bc and died 65 years later in 212bc.
He studied at Euclid's school (another famous mathematician) and one of his first accomplishments was that of proving a formula to solve the area of a triangle using Heron's formula.
What Archimedes is probably most famous for however is his principle in the laws of physic, which was believed to be discovered when he was taking a bath, and the water flowed over!
His principle was as follows; the upward force that a body faces when immersed in water is equal to the weight of the fluid that the body displaces.
This basically means the force that your body takes when in water equal to the amount that was removed due to the body entering the water!
Archimedes was famous for other work as well, including inventions. One was the Archimedes screw pump, while another one was called the Archimedes claw.
The screw pump was his most famous invention, and was built for the intention of removing all the water that would leak through to the hull on very large ships. It is still used today!
Finally, the Archimedes claw was designed as a defence against seaward attacks, by lifting the ships out of the water, and shake them until they capsized.
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