...as well as connectivity our underpinning principles obviously needs to be mindful of appropriate learning theories e.g. Connectivism
The definition on Wikipedia describes connectivism as follows:
Connectivism is a theory of learning which emphasizes the role of social and cultural context. Connectivism is often associated with, and proposes a perspective similar to Vygotsky's 'zone of proximal development' (ZPD), an idea later transposed into Engeström's (2001) Activity theory.[1] The relationship between work experience, learning and knowledge, as expressed in the concept of ‘connectivity, is central to connectivism, motivating the theory's name.[2] It is somewhat similar to Bandura's Social Learning Theory that proposes that people learn through contact.
The phrase "a learning theory for the digital age"[3] indicates the emphasis that connectivism gives to technology's effect on how people live, communicate and learn.