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Slide Notes

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Published on Feb 08, 2016

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Photo by Sean MacEntee

the down parts!

  • It's quite difficult to print a document from your ipad as you have to send it to a computer to print.
  • At one point my camera wouldn't come back at home (but they fixed this!)
  • the wifi is sometimes down in certain areas
Photo by Jamison_Judd

the up parts!

  • You can use your ipad any where in the school!
  • it widens your variety of work as you don't just have to use your exercise book and textbooks!
Photo by _Davo_


  • tellegami
  • pic collage
  • verb trainer
  • leo dictionary
  • linguascope
  • eo dictionaryl
  • duolingo
  • word re
Photo by confidentjohn


  • paper 53
  • drawing desk
Photo by LarimdaME


  • aurasma
  • google earth
  • skitch
Photo by tim caynes

other apps!

  • myhomework
  • timetable
  • showbie
  • haiku deck
  • post it plus
  • google apps
Photo by Daniel Y. Go