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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Iqbal was a ten year old boy when he first came to Hussain Khan's carpet factory. Before Iqbal took a stand, there were thousands of kids in used for child labor in Pakistan.

Photo by A.Davey

Iqbal had been moved to many different factories before Hussain Khan's. At this factory was where Iqbal took a major stand.

Iqbal had managed to escape twice, and on the second time he found a man named Eshan Khan, he too fought against child labor. Soon Eshan Khan helped free the children in the factory.

With Eshan Khan Iqbal traveled around helping other children in factories. After about a year Iqbal was chosen to be the winner for one of Reebok's award called Youth in Action.

Soon after Iqbal was traveling and giving speeches to many people. Finally, Iqbal was able to come home during Easter, there the carpet mafia came and shot Iqbal. Sadly, Iqbal passed away due to the gunshot at just the age of12; although his legacy did not die with him.

Iqbal is known all around the world for his courage. He nearly ended all child labor because he was not afraid to stand up for what is right. Thank you Iqbal.