The purpose of pure iron-electrical pure iron is widely used in electronic.
Its main purpose is to make steel; Also used to produce cast iron and calcined iron. Iron and its compounds are also used as a magnet, dye, blueprint paper, rouge pigment (ink) and abrasive (red iron powder). Reduced iron powder used for metallurgy. The main ingredient in iron ore is iron oxide.
Air:Iron metal reacts in moist air by oxidation to give a hydrated iron oxide. This does not protect the iron surface to further reaction since it flakes off, exposing more iron metal to oxidation. This process is called rusting and is familiar to any car owner.
Water:Air-free water has little effect upon iron metal. However, iron metal reacts in moist air by oxidation to give a hydrated iron oxide. This does not protect the iron surface to further reaction since it flakes off, exposing more iron metal to oxidation. This process is called rusting.
Acid:Iron metal dissolves readily in dilute sulphuric acid in the absence of oxygen to form solutions containing the aquated Fe(II) ion together with hydrogen gas, H2. In practice, the Fe(II) is present as the complex ion.
The application of coke, iron ore and limestone in vertical reactor - continuous production of liquid pig iron in blast furnace. The blast furnace ironmaking is the main method of modern ironmaking, its output accounts for more than 95% of the world's production of cast iron.
Alloy cast iron is cast iron with special properties in addition of alloy elements in ordinary cast iron. The commonly added alloy elements include silicon, manganese, phosphorus, nickel and so on. Alloying elements can make the cast iron matrix was changed, so that the cast iron obtained special heat-resistant, and low temperature resistance and other physical and chemical properties.
Alchemy was a medieval philosophy of chemistry, and its main goal was to transform base metals into precious metals, especially gold.
Before the 19th century alchemy had not been denied by scientific evidence. Some famous scientists, including Isaac Newton, have tried alchemy. The emergence of modern chemistry has cast doubt on the possibility of alchemy.