Epicurus, born in 341 BC was a famous Greek philosopher born in Samos.
Epicurus founded the principles of Epicurean philosophy, also led the foundation of ethics in Ancient Greece with his theory of “Ethic of Reciprocity”.
The basic purpose of Epicurean philosophy was to acquire a happy and tranquil life, which was characterized by ataraxia which was complete freedom from worry and aponia, or absence of pain. One more feature required for the attainment of happy life was to live a self-sufficient life surrounded with friends.
According to him, pleasure and pain are the measures of good and evil and death is the end of body and the soul, hence there is nothing to fear.
He taught that the Gods couldn’t punish or reward humans and man should not worry about life. He further taught that universe is infinite and eternal and atoms are responsible for events that took place in the world.
Born on the Greek island of Samos, Epicurus spent most of his life in Athens, where he became somewhat of a cult figure, and attracted a band of students, with who he lived on a group home. Epicurus believed that if we strive to eliminate suffering from our lives it will inevitably be better.
In short, Epicurus believed that three key things were to increasing happiness: firstly, live a fairly simple lifestyle; be kind to those around you; and surround yourself with friends.
Another feature of Epicurus' philosophy was that we can overcome certain events by dwelling on positive memories, especially before death. As an Altruist, Epicurus believed in overcoming bad times and learning to seize as much as pleasure as possible.
• Tyson has written several books for the general public, including Death by Black Hole and Other Cosmic Quandaries and The Pluto Files: The Rise and Fall of America's Favorite Planet.
• He hosted the NOVA Science Now series from 2006 to 2011. Tyson remains a popular TV science expert today
EPICURUS: The misfortune of the wise is better than the prosperity of the fool. A Philosophy course can help you be smart because it opens up your thoughts.
SOCRATES: Just because a student does not take a philosophy course does not mean they aren't capable of thinking critically. There are different types of knowledge.
EX) A shoe-maker knows how to make shoes, but that doesn’t mean he knows how to mend kettles and pots; that's what a tinker knows how to do.
EPICURUS: Not enjoyable, but successful. Obtaining self-reflectance can teach someone from right and wrong, help become better people and build better relationships with others.
SOCRATES: Education should be taught to students to think for themselves. Teachers should teach by subjecting ideas to critical questioning.
EX) "Socratic Questioning,” known as a thinking strategy to reflectively question common beliefs. He guided his students to discover the subject matter rather than telling them what they need to know.
GANDHI: thinking for yourself will help you know yourself and that will help you with life. If you think for yourself instead it’s something much harder to forget.
NEILS DEGRASSE TYSON: If a scientist already knew what they were doing, they wouldn't be discovering anything, because they already knew what they were doing.
EPICURUS: A philosopher and a scientist are two different people, what a philosopher believes may seem true, but never scientifically. Science would have been just as advanced as it is now today, without the ideas of philosophers.
SOCRATES: Philosophy contributes to science. We question anything without a real answer. Science always starts with a fundamental philosophical question and breaks down into smaller questions.
EX) “Socratic Method“ was a method to answer fundamental questions by breaking it down into a series of questions. This served as a tool for scientific research and then either proving it correct or false.
GANDHI: Science would be less advanced without professional philosophers because philosophy allows you to think outside the box, like science there's nothing really simple about science its very complex and science may have an importance towards that.
NEILS DEGRASSE TYSON: Science would be just as advanced without philosophy. Philosophy could inhibit scientific progress by encouraging “a little too much question asking.”
EPICURUS: helps make decisions for a practical life because it helps your mind determine what kind of philosopher you are, what theory and life style you live and it helps view different perspectives.
SOCRATES: Helps people think critically. At any situation where you have to make a decision about something, that decision will always depend on your reasoning abilities.
By studying the virtue of knowledge, the human being is capable of knowing the good. And when they know what is good they can follow it and know how to act.
GANDHI: Philosophy will help an individual in a certain situation because through learning philosophy it will help you think in other perspectives helping you to make your decision much more wise and intelligent
NEILS DEGRASSE TYSON: Look, I got all this world of unknown out there. I'm moving on. I'm leaving you behind. You can't even cross the street because you are distracted by what you are sure are deep questions you've asked yourself. I don't have the time for that." “For me, I am driven by two main philosophies: know more today about the world than I knew yesterday and lessen the suffering of others. You'd be surprised how far that gets you.”
EPICURUS: philosophy is a course everyone should be interested in. The mind needs to expand as a man should live life to its fullest and achieve as much knowledge.
SOCRATES: It should be mandatory, however, it shouldn't teach students to memorize what we need to know. It should teach students to be deep and critical thinkers when examining fundamental questions of life.
GANDHI: Everyone can make a difference and everyone should have the chance to prove what they believe through thoughts and belief. Philosophy allows anyone to be right you just have to prove yourself
NEILS DEGRASSE TYSON: It's not that there can't be other philosophical subjects, there is religious philosophy, and ethical philosophy, and political philosophy, plenty of stuff for the philosophers to do, but the frontier of the physical sciences does not appear to be among them.