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As far as we know, social media is still a grey area for whether it is beneficial or detrimental to the user's mental health, but maybe the bigger issue is whether or not this is causing teens to have issues with their lives outside of the internet.
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Is Social Media Related to Anxiety?

Published on Jan 22, 2020

This deck is about the effects of social media on people's mental health.


Is Social media related to ANXIETY?

By kemen Freeman
As far as we know, social media is still a grey area for whether it is beneficial or detrimental to the user's mental health, but maybe the bigger issue is whether or not this is causing teens to have issues with their lives outside of the internet.

Can Social Media Cause Anxiety?

The article, "Opinion: The quest for a perfect life is causing anxiety in teens", from the Tribune News Service by Ana Veciana-Suarez explores the writers experiences and perspective on this complicated issue.
Photo by Sara Kurfeß

How Does Social Media Cause Anxiety?

In her writing, she quotes the College Health Association report on undergrads health showing an increase of students feeling "overwhelming anxiety." This report showed a jump from 50% in 2011 to 62% in 2016.
Photo by mkhmarketing

Worried About Looks

Ana also says that things that are posted on Social Media are almost always someone's greatest moments, and they only post pictures where they're looking their absolute best. This means that people looking at social media will think that other people have a better and more fulfilling life than them, and that their life is boring.
Photo by niklas_hamann


After reading the article, I thought that Ana Veciana-Suarez made a lot of good points, and I agree with her on most things, like that social media shows the side of life that is unrealistic, and that we can't promise everyone everlasting happiness. However, I disagreed with her with a couple of things, such as when she says that "life as presented on Instagram and Snapchat is two-dimensional and about as real as shape-shifters and fire-breathing beasts." I think that there is still quite a bit of stuff that is on the internet which can be real, and a lot of it can be important.


  • Veciana-Suarez, Ana. "Opinion: The quest for a perfect life is causing anxiety in teens." Tribune News Service, 31 Oct. 2019.
Photo by found_drama