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Isaac Newton

Published on Jan 02, 2016

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Isaac Newton

by Cadi, Emma, and Rori
Photo by smallislander

Newton was born on January 4th 1643

in Lincolnshire England.

When he was 11, Issac began attending Kings school.

He went on to attend Cambridge University

 from 1661-1665
Photo by ben.gallagher

while Cambirdge was shut down because of the plague.

Issac lived with his grandparents for two years

During this time, he saw the apple fall from the

tree and started thinking about the theory of gravity

When he returned to Cambridge he became a mathmatics Professor.

Photo by eriwst

He eventualy moved to London and became the president

of the Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge.

Isaac Newton is most famously known for discovering gravity.

But he also created calculus and a type of teloscope.
Photo by Adam N. Ward

Isaac Newton is most famously known for discovering gravity.

But he also created calculus and a type of teloscope.
Photo by Adam N. Ward

Isaac wrote about 20 books in his lifetime.

He was knighted by Queen Anne in 1705.

Issac Newton died in Kensington on March 20th, 1727

between 1:00-2:00 am.
Photo by Halans

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