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Islam And Christianity

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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By: Josh Kohel and Noah Stovich

The founders of Christianity and Islam are both very important historically and for the religions that they founded. The founder of Christianity is Jesus Christ and he was born around 2 b.c.e. The founder of Islam is Muhammad who was born much later in 570 c.e. in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. The difference between the two is that Jesus Christ is seen to be (by Christians) as the son of god when Muhammad the founder of Islam is seen as only a Prophet of Allah.

Both Christianity and Islam are monotheistic which means that they believe in one god. The difference is that Christians believe in a god named YHWH (in Hebrew). When the people of the Islamic faith believe in a god named Allah (in Arabic). Also, Christians believe in the son of god Jesus Christ compared to the Islamic religion which does not believe that Jesus Christ was the son of god.

Religious Texts.
The religious texts for both Christianity and Islam are in the form of books. The religious text for Christianity is the Holy Bible while the religious text for Islam is the Quran. The difference is that the Holy Bible is split up into the New and Old Testaments and is composed of 66 book with numerous authors. When the book the Quran was revealed to Muhammad over a period of 22 years by Allah and is split up into 114 chapters and 30 sections.

Daily Living.
People of the Islam and Christian faith both pray to their god daily. The difference between the two is that the people of the Islamic faith pray to Allah at 5 distinct times a day, when people of the Christian faith do not have specific times and generally pray to their god when they feel they need to. Also, when people of Islamic faith pray, they pray towards Mecca the birth place of Muhammad compared to Christians who do not pray in any specific direction.

Primary Sources ~
Holy Bible
Secondary Sources ~