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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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All prophets preach the same message, one God (Allah) and kindness to humanity. No other God, but Allah and they live their lives to please Allah.

Muhammad was born in Saudi Arabia around 570 CE. He was a shepherd and then a merchant.

Photo by rstml


  • The arabic word for God
  • Preferred because it is not manly or feminine
  • No plural for Allah



The Islamic Faith believe in the Day of Judgement. Also, that there is life after death and the best reward is getting closer to God

Photo by mattyp_

They also believe in all the prophets God sent to Earth, for example: Noah, Abraham, and Isa (Jesus). They do not see Isa (Jesus) as the son of God like Christians do.

Photo by marcp_dmoz

They believe in divine decree, that God is all powerful and nothing can happen without his permission. He gives humans the choice to be good or bad. Everyone will be questioned on how they lived this life.

Photo by Rakesh JV

Id Ul-Fitr
This holiday marks the end of the month of fasting. People visit mosques to say special prayers, visit friends and relatives, eat festive foods, and exchange gifts and cards.

Lailat al-Qadr (Night of Power) is the night Muhammed received the first revelation of God. It comes within the last ten days of Ramadan. Also, it falls on an odd numbered day. The people read Qur'an and make special prayers.

The Islamic faith has more than 1.5 billion followers worldwide. It is one of the Abrahamic traditions along with Judaism and Christianity.

Photo by Matt. Create.

Islam grants women a number of rights. Included are: earning money, financially support, vote and many more.

Photo by DMahendra


  • Began 14 million years ago
  • Muhammed was a merchant
  • Muslim rules are called the 5 pillars
  • Pray five times a day
  • Fast on the lunar eclipse day
Photo by mohammadali