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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Islam!! By Steven Vaughn

  • The numbers of followers is 2.08 Billion in the world today
  • The Place Of Worship Is The MOSQUE
  • They Worship Every Day 5 Times A Day

Where And When Islam Started

  • Where It started and When
  • It started in makkah in 610a.d

Important History

  • Adam The First Muslim
  • Abraham Father of Ishmael and Issac 
  • Moses Allah sent the Torah to Moses but the message got distorted by the 
  • e people
  • David king of israel

Important history PG 2

  • Jesus the second to Muhammad 
  • Muhammad the prophet and great leader


  • The Muslims think that the symbol above is a light from god that showed th
  • em the way to there way to the village

Important practices

  • Prayers
  • Fasting
  • pilmagrige
  • Charity
  • Purifacation

And animal sacrifice

Important Practices in the faith

  • Islam means submit freely to the commandments and will of the one and only
Photo by Jrwooley6

Holy days

  • Islam has relatively few holidays compared to most other religions.
  • Traditionally, Muslims celebrate just two major festivals(''ld al-fitr and
  • id al-adha), a month of daytime fasting (RAMADAN), and a day of 
  • voluntary fasting(ashura also an important Shiite Festival).  
Photo by kevin dooley

Important Believes

  • The holy book of Islam, the Quran states ''Righteous is he who beliefs in  
  • Allah and the last day and the angels and scriptures and the prphets 
Photo by whl.travel