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Islam Project

Published on Nov 18, 2015

Growth and the Contributions in Islam


Growth and contributions in Islam

By: Samantha Lam

the different empires

Photo by ankakay

ottoman Empire

  • When:1200s to 1900s in Europe, Asia, Africa
  • slave groups+gunpowder+cannons made Ottomans successful in wars
  • ruling class of social structure include people who advise sultans
  • other class include people who don't fit the requirements
  • women owned property or business, built schools, mosques+hospitals
Photo by a-birdie

Safavid Empire

  • When: 1501 to mid-1700s in Persia
  • blended 2 cultural traditions(Persian+Muslims)
  • cultural blending-culturally by building mosques
  • cultural blending-economically-handwoven things+making tradition stuff
  • trade brought wealth+made it a major Islamic civilization
Photo by Gary Faber

mughal empire

  • When: 1526 to 1600 in Northern India
  • founder tried to make empire in Central Asia, didn't succeed 
  • Taj Mahal, clothing styles, buildings that blended religions
  • known for poetry and architecture
Photo by oliverlaumann


Growth of Islam

growth of ottoman empire

  • Ottomans took land from Christian Byzantine Empire
  • ruled  lands from eastern Europe,North Africa,+Arabia
  • conquered Constantinople
  • expanded empire to east through rest of Anatolia(Asia Minor)
  • conquered Syria and Egypt
Photo by a-birdie

growth of Safavid Empire

  • leader Esma'il conquered Persia
  • battled Uzbeks to north, suffered crushing defeats by Ottomans
  • strengthened military,modern gunpowder weapons, took over Uzbeks
Photo by Gary Faber

growth of the mughal empire

  • empire grew in mid-1500s under Akbar
  • conquered many lands, worked to make government stronger
  • began tolerant religious policy
  • expanded empire to almost all of India
  • empire fell apart b/c of harsh policies and violent revolts
Photo by oliverlaumann

Suleyman I

  • Empire reached its peak under Suleyman I
  • under rule took control of eastern Mediterranean
  • pushed farther into Europe
  • Muslim poets wrote beautiful works
  • architects worked to turn Istanbul to Muslim

islamic beliefs

 The Beliefs

Spread of Islamic Beliefs

  • merchants introduced Islam to india
  • coastal trading had large communities
  • Arabic influenced local African languages
  • many African leaders converted to Islam
  • spread as far east as Malaysia+Indonesia
Photo by VinothChandar


Trade of Islam

Products from trade

  • Arabs learned how to make paper from Chinese
  • Arabs learned how to use gunpowder from Chinese
  • cotton, rice, and oranges from India+southwest Asia
  • African products such as ivory, cloves, slaves
  • traveled across Sahara to get African salt(scarce to find)
Photo by VinothChandar

muslim achievements

Cultural Achievements
Photo by blmiers2

mughal achievements

  • Persian language and styles were popluar
  • encouraged write in Indian language
  • Mughal Empire known for monumental architecture
  • Taj Mahal dazzling tomb built by Akbar's grandson
  • many monuments by Mughals are symbols today 
Photo by ndj5

astronomy achievements

  • studied to better understand time and clockmaking
  • improved astrolabe-Greek invented to chart stars
  • helped Muslims know direction to turn to face Mecca
  • Arab scholars used it to figure location on Earth 
  • later became important in exploration of the seas

geography achievements

  • merchants and explorers traveled widely with learning star
  • made accurate maps
  • developed ways of calculating distances
  • al-Idrisi wrote accurate book, got info from Arab travelers
  • made discovery, proved land didn't go around Indian Ocean

math Achievements

  • combined Indian #system with Greek science of math
  • al-Khwarizmi used new ideas to write math textbook
  • called it al-jaber(algebra)
  • foundation for modern algebra
  • when book brought to Europe, called it "Arabic" numerals

Medicine achievements

  • created tests for doctors to pass before treat people
  • made encyclopedias of drugs, wrote description of deseases
  • started first pharmacy school to teach how to make medicine
  • Ar-Razi found how to diagnose+treat deadly disease smallpox
  • Ibn-Sina wrote medical encyclopedia

philosophy achievements

  • studied reason and rational thoughts
  • others developed new philosophy
  • focus on spiritual led to Sufism
  • focus on loving God and called him Beloved
  • had strong impact on Islam

literature achievments

  • poetry+short stories popular, influenced by Sufism
  • Omar Khayyan was famous poet
  • famous collection of short stories-The Thousand of One Nights
  • European compiler added short stories no part of medieval Arabic
  • many of these tales came from India, Egypt, + other lands
Omar Khayyam was a Persian mathematician, astronomer, and poet. He was famous for his achievements in math and science. He developed a calender that was more accurate then the one we use today. Even though he was known for many things he is best known for his poetry, his four-line poems have been translated to almost every language known.

architecture achievements

  • mosques most important achievement
  • 1st were like courtyards
  • built palaces, marketplaces,&libraries
  • complicated domes,arches,colored bricks,decorated tiles
  • architecture known for these features

art achievements

  • shows no animals or humans
  • turned calligraphy into art form
  • painted decorative writings on Qur'an
  • show influence of Islamic beliefs+practices(architecture+art)
  • gave art and literature a unique style
Photo by Umair Mohsin


 The Future of the Achievements
Photo by rishibando

achievements in the future part 1

  • stars helped us know where the stars are/what types are there
  • maps became advanced and influenced the invention of G.P.S
  • we know places/landmarks that were in the past b/c of maps
  • 1st pharmacy influence more so we have a place to get medication
Photo by Marcus Q

future of achievements part 2

  • doctor tests help us make sure doctors don't make much mistakes
  • buildings today have parts of the mosque as part of the structure
  • algebra is in our textbooks for school

the end

Achievements,Spread of Beliefs,Growth of Islam
Photo by Hamed Saber