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Islamic Trading

Published on Jan 16, 2016

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The early Islamic Middle East traded along the same networks as the Byzantine Empire, using the Silk Road in the west routes from and north south routes from the Arabian Peninsula to eastern Africa, whose conversions created situations for cultural exchange between merchants, mercenaries, nomads, and pilgrims.

The most desired goods of the time period included silks, spices and incense, with silk as the most important luxury trading good.

Photo by zenera

At the time their economy's main currency were coins made of precious metal, and whenever the content was lowered there were financial crises.

Photo by Great Beyond

The Red Sea was one of their most important corridors for long distance trade between the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean.

Mecca and Medina were two of the most important cities, as intersections of trade networks, pilgrimage routes, and migrations patterns.

Photo by @ifatma.