Israel vs Palestinian Timeline
In the Old Testament Abraham had Ishmael and Isaac.
Ishmael was kicked out of the house and became the father of Islam. Isaac was the father of Israel
1948- Israel is formed after the Holocaust in Palestine which is Islamic land
1948-1949- War and armistice between Israel and Palestine
1964- Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) is formed
1978- UN sends 6,000 armed peacekeepers to send Israeli troops back from Lebanon
1983- US sets up peace deal between Israel and Lebanon.
1991- Madrid Conference- Lebanese, Israeli, Jordanian, Syrian, and Palestinian leaders gathered for peace talks
1993- Oslo Accords and Israel and Palestine sign "Declaration of Principles" and PLO is recognized and given some autonomy
1995-1996 - Israel Prime Minister Rabin murdered then Netanyahu elected
2001- Mitchell Report has plans for peace between Israel and Palestine
2002- Bombing on Passover, killing 30 Israelis
Israelis retaliate and start paying attention to suicide bombers
2004- UN rules Israeli security border is against international law
2005- Intifada ends, Israel leaves Gaza and releases 900 Palestinian prisoners
2006- Israel is attacked multiple times seemingly unprovoked by Hezbollah
2007- Hamas takes control of Gaza while killing over 100 people
2008- 6 month truce broken by rocket fire. Israel Prime Minister under investigation
2011- Palestine asks for statehood at UN Security Council
2014- Hamas and Palestinian gov't have peace talks.
Israels disapproves and bombings and attacks pick up again.