Born: January 4, 1643
Where: Woolsthorpe, England.
Died: March 31, 1727
He was: very religious, loved alchemy, not romantic, died a virgin, had strict moral behavior, and hated literature and art.
> Newton is so special because he invented so many fascinating things that we use in our everyday life and his intellect level was extraordinary.
> He attended Free Grammar school and Trinity College Cambridge.
> Newton was sitting under an apple tree, an apple fell on his head, and he suddenly thought of the Universal Law of Gravitation.
> Discovered Calculus, Light Refraction, Pet Door, Laws of Motion, Gravity, Reflecting Telescope.
> People really loved his work, and scientists used it as a basis of their work and sometimes, improved it.
"An object at rest will stay at rest and an object in motion will stay in motion, until acted upon by an unbalanced and outside force."
"For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction"
Isaac Newton's discoveries in Physics make him one of the greatest scientists who ever lived. His inventions has had such a tremendous affect on us that... Well, why wouldn't we want to know ALL about him?
BTW... Fig Newtons are Snack Bars that got their name from a place called Newton in Massachusetts. It has nothing to do with Isaac Newton!