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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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By Botticelli - Created:1482
The Primavera, or Spring, is a tempera or water-based painting on wood by Sandro Botticelli between 1482 and 1485. The painting hangs in the Galleria degli Uffizi in Florence. It depicts a fantastic world set in the Garden of the Esperides. The god of wind, Zefir, captures the nymph Clori and leaves her pregnant. She is born again into Flora, the symbol of Spring, dressed in a beautiful floral dress. In the middle is Venus, goddess of love, and above her Cupid. To her right are the three graces, dancing in the wind. Finally, Mercury sends the clouds away to preserve the Spring. This is a philosophical piece celebrating the neoplatonic school. Here love, represented by Venus, and protected by Cupid and Mercury, is the way to reach out to the spiritual world. The work has also been interpreted in a historical vein as representing the Age of the Medici.

the armored car

By Leonardo da Vinci - Designed: 1487
Among other things, Leonardo da Vinci was on retainer by Ludovico Sforza, who was the Duke of Milan, as a military strategist and developer of new military technology. In this role, he designed several war machinery, including the first armored car. It was the year 1487 and Leonardo had not yet mastered gear technology. He later perfected the mechanics of toothed wheels toward the end of the century when he used them to develop new ingenious machinery including pinions and crankshafts.

Double Entry Bookkeeping

By Friar Luca Bartolomeo - Created:1492
The Friar Luca Bartolomeo de Pacioli made historical contribution to the area of accounting. He codified the system of double bookkeeping used internationally to this day. The Summa de arithmetica, geometria, proportioni et proportionalità was published in Venice in 1494. In addition to summarizing the then state of knowledge in mathematics, it also describes the system of double entry bookkeeping for the first time in history. There, he advises merchants that they should keep working on their accounting until credits equal debits.

THe last Supper

By Leonardo da Vinci - Painted: 1495 - 1498
The last supper was a famous painting done by Leonardo da Vinci. The painting was a type of fresco but instead of painting on wet plaster he waited for the plaster to dry and used experimental paints to paint on it. The paint chipped off a lot so i did not work very well. It has chipped away even more over the years. It was believed to be painted between 1495- 1498. The work has been revered because it depicts Jesus Christ during the last supper and it has strong sentimental value to many christians. It very much a social aspect to the renaissance.
Photo by oosp


By Leonardo da Vinci - Painted: 1503 - 1506
The Mona Lisa was a painting made by Leonardo da Vinci. He was an Italian painter that was revered for his works. The Mona Lisa was his most famous he painted in between the years 1503 - 1506. It was an oil painting that was made by layering oil paints to create depth in the work. The Mona Lisa is considered one of the world most impressive works. The positioning of the woman and the symmetry in her face makes it very appealing to the human eye. Leonardo da Vinci uses the Golden ratio to paint her which is a mathematical ratio that is in every living thing. The Painting is a social artifact which brought a lot pleasure to many people.
Photo by Songkran

St. Peter's Basilica

By Michelangelo - Created: 1506
Michelangelo is one the greatest sculptor, painter and architect in Italian art. From pieces like the David to the Pietà to the Sistine Chapel make one of the most known artist in history. Some of his pieces show extraordinary modernity like the Prisons were men come out of the piece of unfinished marble to signify their condition of slavery. The Basilica di San Pietro is also known worldwide. Instead of having a full plan for the Basilica, Michelangelo built it part by part. Characteristically, its design referred back to tradition from the central hall inspired by Bramante to the Latin cross inspired by Raffaello Sanzio. Michelangelo even destroyed part that had been constructed by his predecessors to return the structure to perfect symmetry. However, the Basilica was completed by Carlo Maderno who reinterpreted the frontal façade.

The creation Of Adam

By Michelangelo - Painted: 1511 - 1512
The Creation of Adam was a painting done my Michelangelo on of the most revered painters of his time. This fresco was done on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and is probably know as one of the worlds most beautiful pieces of art. It was a fresco which means it was made my painting on wet plaster. It was considered one of the hardest ways to paint and required much skill. It was painted between the years of 1511 and 1512. Over the years the painting was damaged my candle smoke darkening the ceiling but it went under restoration in the 1980’s this stirred much controversy between historians.
Photo by JP..

The Prince

By Machiavelli - Written: 1513
The Prince is the first book of modern political philosophy. It was written by Nicolo Machiavelli, who was born in Florence in 1469 and held political and diplomatic before being accused of conspiracy by the Medici and exiled to San Casciano, near Florence. He wrote the Prince to please the Medici now in power and ingratiate himself back to Florence. The book recounts the strategies a prince must engage in to retain himself in power. While Machiavelli was a republican, he wrote this piece of practical political and straightforward advice for autocrats.
Photo by psd

Leonardo Da Vinci

Most Influential period late 1400s to early 1500s
Leonardo da Vinci was a Scientist, Sculptor, Mathematician, and Painter. He is known for being one of the most if not the most innovative people of his time. He was born in 1452 and worked under the Patronage of the Sforza, the family that ruled Milan. He is most famous for his paintings and inventions. One of his most famous paintings is the Mona Lisa which is considered the worlds best painting. He was also very intelligent as he had already sketched things like Helicopters, and Tanks centuries before they were actually built.

the Uffizi

In Florence - Made: 1560
The Uffizi were built in 1560 by the famous architect Giorgio Vasari for Cosimo I to host the offices (Uffizi) of Florence’s magistrates. The internal courtyard in long and narrow with the two sides of the building facing each other. This was done by Vasari to emphasize perspective. This building allowed the Florentine state to bring together its administrative offices, the courts and the archives of the state. In the Tribuna, Cosimo I arranged his incredible art collection. This was the basis, many years later, for transforming the Uffizi in one of the famous museums worldwide.
Photo by John Lemieux


In Venice created 1563
The first monthly published newspaper was called the Notizie Scritte. These were papers published in Venice that delivered the news much like a modern day newspaper. This was very important because it was the first time news was being spread by paper and this made news much easier and more accurate to spread. This allowed for more publicly opinionated people to be able to share their thoughts and ideas with the world. They were a bit different in the fact that they were only published every month but other than that they were very similar.
Photo by jamacdonald


 By Gabrielle Fallopio - Created: 1564
The condom was first invented by a man named Gabrielle Fallopio. Even though this condom was not considered as effective as the ones that we have now it was very impressive that people in the 1500's had the ability to create ideas on stopping the birth of children. he used linen sheath soaked in chemicals and then let to dry. The idea was to protect people from deadly syphilis.
Photo by slinky2000

Palazzo Ducale

In Venice - Reconstructed: 1574
While the Doge’s Palace was originally built in 801, most of what we see today is the result of the reconstruction following the fire of 1574. The Doge’s Palace was the residence of the Doge and the headquarters of Venice’s government and a symbol of its political and economic power. The Council chamber, with decoration by Andrea Palladio, hosted the work of the full chamber of representatives. The Senate Chamber would be used by the Doge to invite Senators to discuss issues. The artwork is by Tintoretto. The Chamber of the Council of Ten and the Compass room were dedicated to the administration of Justice, with artwork by Veronese. From here the Palace connected to the Prison via the Bridge of Sighs (Ponte dei Sospiri). This is the bridge the accused would cross to reach their cells.

Banking And Finance

Created by the Venetian Bankers 16th Century
The Friar Luca Bartolomeo de Pacioli made historical contribution to the area of accounting. He codified the system used by Venetian traders of double bookkeeping now used internationally around the globe. The Summa de arithmetica, geometria, proportioni et proportionalità was published in Venice in 1494. In addition to summarizing the then state of knowledge in mathematics, it also describes the system of double entry bookkeeping for the first time in history. There, he advises merchants that they should keep working on their accounting until credits equal debits.
Photo by wbeem

The Thermometer

By Galileo Galilei - Created:1593
Galileo Galilei invented an early version of the thermometer. He filled a container with water and bulbs. Bulbs would react to increasing temperatures by floating and sinking and that allowed to measure changes in temperature. It was not until 1612, that another inventor named Sartorio invented a version that could be put into the mouth of a patient.
Photo by Leo Reynolds


Performed for the first time in 16th century Florence
Ballet started in Italy in the 1500s as a masked ball or dance. Catherine de Medici staged the first formal ballet in 1573 in honor of the the visit of the Polish Ambassador and called it the Ballet de Polonais. She was also responsible for spreading the practice to France.

Galileo Galilei

Scientist lived 16th to 17th century 
Galileo is recognized as one of the most achieved scientists of all times. His interests ranged from physics to mathematics to astronomy. He improved the telescope, made important advances in the observations of the universe like the phases of Venus, the moons of Jupiter and sunspots. His public statements about eliocentrism got him in trouble with the Roman Inquisition.
Photo by cloud2013

Galilean telescope

By Galileo Galilei - Designed: 1607
Galileo Galilei contributed to engineering. One of his achievements was the improvement of the telescope, which made possible the observation of the sky and the establishment of modern astronomy. With it he confirmed the phases of Venus, discovered Jupiter’s satellites, and observed the moon to confirm heliocentric theories. The Galilean telescope was built in 1609 using convergent and divergent lens that Galileo filed himself. It magnifies images 30 times.