To travel to Italy you can use plane,train,ferry, and cruise.
Italian trades is dominated the country is challenged by mountain terrain.
Italian trade depends on the manufacturing sector.
There are many reasons to move to Italy. Italy has wonderful food like Botticelli,pizza and gelato. Who doesn't want to move to Italy. Italy's warmth, style ,and wonderful food it will bring out the best in you.
Some reasons not to move to Italy is the language. The language can be hard to speak if you want to live there. As some of use hide are feelings Italians express there emotions to the world.
People use the land for use of crops like wheat,rice, and maize, that are replanted after each harvesting. But the land also has meadows, woodland, forests, built in areas, roads, and barren lands.
People have changed the land because now and since 2003 the have protected 7.9 land of Italy.
Most people live in Rome, Italy.
People have settled in Italy because of the alps mountain range.
Some resources in Italy are iron and steel, chemicals, coal, natural gas, crude oil resources, fish, and arable land.