iTeams Collab #1

Published on Nov 18, 2015

Day two, iTeams collaboration.



iTeams Collaboration

Google HW calendar

communication for all at your fingertips
Missy will review how to set up your google homework calendar. We will be posting our assignments on this calendar each week. It is a big part of providing the support to get the work done the first time!!!!

Teacher will upload PDF files, their homework links, and complete this task with their teams
Photo by saraab™

Citizenship Rubric
Online Expectations

Share information on google drive with notes from our OPMS team regarding the citizenship rubric.

Discuss with table partners what this looks and sounds like with your classes.

ELA teammember and Missy will discuss the Online expectations page and hold a discussion with the team to see if this is a direction we can come to consensus on.

Review OPMS

Handout the yearlong CCSS plan for our school site. We are no longer discussing the CCSS, we are implementing them.

Discuss the work that was completed over the summer by the ELA and math teams....

The ELA team met multiple times to plan writing task and create lessons to implement the ELA standards this year.

The Math team met multiple times to learn the new CCSS for math, create a scope and sequence for teaching integrated math, and planned with the high school team to make sure that we were on the right track as we begin this change.

Photo by StuartWebster

What does every subject have in common?

If you review the standards there are a few commonalities that stand out.

Review the chart.

What do you notice?

There is a reason that we are focusing on complex text, close reading, and constructing a viable argument in speaking and writing. It is called out in every subject. This school-wide focus will benefit our students with the repetition of learning and practicing these skills. We learned last year that one of the best ways to create knowledge in the pre-teen brain is through repetition and so we we practice these skills in every class this year.

complex text

Why is this such an important focus in the CCSS
Read the hand out regarding this subject independently. As you read the text, highlight the statements that express why reading complex text is important.

"Online resource: Common Core Standards and Text Complexity"

Be prepared to share your thinking with your table teams.

Why is this information important. What message do we need to give our students? Our parents? and teammates regarding teaching complex text?
Photo by seanmcgrath

Our school book study

Turn to page 15 and read the first two paragraphs.

As you read this short passage, highlight the statements regarding standards 1-10.

Standard 1:
reminds us that students need to read these texts closely

Standard 10: calls for regular exposure to complex text

Standards 2-9: are the ways we think about and understand the text we're reading and discussing.

This is a simple way to keep this information in your mind. We are focusing on standards 1-10 and we will be reading from this text through out the year.

Review standards 1 & 10

What are the big ideas?  What changes did you see through the grade levels?
Hand out the standards 1-10 that reflect K-12 grade continuum.

Have the teachers review this information with their teams and discuss what they noticed for each standard and what changes they noticed between the grade levels.


A reading strategy to address complex text
We have been focusing on annotation for the past two years.

Just a reminder that annotation is the reading strategy-- and close reading is a reading strategy ---and the standard is comprehending complex text through using close reading and the reading strategy annotation

I am going to quickly just review a few of our agreements regarding close reading and annotation....

Close Reading

Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly
Close reading is a method of slowing the reading work down to dive into the meaning of the text.
Photo by *Muhammad*

Choose a short text

or passage for the lesson
This is essential. You are not assigning the entire science chapter or reading packet, you are choosing a short text or a few paragraphs that are complex and deserve your time to focus on the meaning.
Photo by rishibando

Not all text are appropriate for a close reading lesson

Remember a complex text will have a structure that is not easy to comprehend, hidden meanings and inferences, refer to history, data, or charts that are not simply understood in one reading. If the text is not complex, it is not appropriate for a close reading lesson.

Read, reread, reread again

Set a focus and than reset it again....
A close reading should be read multiple times with different foci.

For example:
*One time read for meaning

*Next time read to identify the tone by highlighting words that reflect mood

*Second time read to highlight statements that reflect the author's message.

*A close reading should be a multiple day experience with the same text.
Photo by RLHyde

Stop extreme schaffolding!

Limit frontloading
A close reading needs to allow the students to learn from the struggle. You support the students through the questions and confusions through utilizing text dependent questions, partner talk

Photo by Houston Marsh

Text Depedent Questions

Your close reading lesson is only as good as the questions that drive it
Text dependent questions are key to pushing the students learning, and allowing them to learn from the struggle.

Remember the levels of questioning:

1. Check for general understanding
2. How does the text work?
3. What does the text mean?

Photo by Jan Tik


A strategy for addressing complex text
Share our agreed upon annotation marks

Hand out worksheet to new team members

Annotation is not just for students to take notes and than move on. Annotation is a tool for us to review to see if the students are comprehending the text. The annotations need to be reviewed and used for formative assessments to inform our instruction or it is a waste of time.

We are planning to work on how to use annotations to drive our instruction a lot this year.
Photo by visualdensity

After Reading Task

Discussion & Writing 
If you can't read it or hear it, you can not determine if they got it.

Students need to put their thinking into action and reflect, share, and produce their learning.

Photo by Kalexanderson

is not an accidental lesson

Close reading
Close reading is an intentional lesson. It is planned specifically to address the complexity of a text. It is scripted with text dependent questions to push thinking and it is planned with an end in mind.

The stu

Opms writing project

A school-wide focus
This year during ACE, we are going to take one week out of every month to focus on creating an argument in writing.

Review outline for this process
Hand out schedule
Hand out lesson template
Review sample lesson for the first lesson/ by Missy & Pauline

Every team will take a turn creating and presenting a lesson on the broadcast

Read Appendix A

What does this text share regarding a focus on the written arguement?
Hand out the copies of Appendix A

Set the focus to read and highlight the reasons that the creators or the CCSS felt that a focus on creating a written argument is important for our studnents.

The focus on this type of writing is essential to prepare our students for college and their future careers and that is why we are focusing on this writing genre as a entire school.
Photo by

Project Outline

  • Day 1: Cold Read & Annotate
  • Day 2: Read Again & Hold Discussion with Text Dependent Questions
  • Day 3: Write a response 
This simple outline explains the structure we will follow.

Hand out copies of the lesson plan and the template

The lesson plan may seem complex at first, but after we have completed this task a few times, it will get easier.

Missy and I will come to you during your prep time to help you plan when it is your teams' time to present, if you would like the support.
Photo by WarzauWynn

Got Grit

Hand out book, Fostering Grit

Complete survey: p. 12

Have teams split up the six characteristics of grit and read with them teams and discuss

What is grit?

How and why do we need to teach it?

What are the steps to help create students that are "Grittier"?

How can we model grit on our campus through our actions?
Photo by Kalexanderson

Team Collaboration

Afternoon Work
This afternoon, Missy and I will be joining your team collaborations. We will be discussing your team lesson plans, your CCSS plan, and your first Writing lesson on the broadcast.

Also, checking to make sure your rooms are ready and see if you need anything before Monday.