It's not easy to be me

Published on Nov 18, 2015

Transition planning


It's not easy to be me

Two of the hardest things for people with disabilities to do are

Talk about their disability

Identify their strengths

Some of our best information for helping students with disabilities comes from self-advocates

There’s nothing easy about being a self-advocate, and talking about your disability.

The following quotes came from students with disabilities across the state of Oklahoma, as they were learning about IEPs, and how to talk about their strengths and their challenges.
Photo by --Mark--

The following are quotes from people as they were learning about their disabilities and their IEP's.

These students were learning how to talk about their strengths and their challenges as it related to their transition process.
Photo by rishibando

"I've known since third grade something was wrong with me. I wish someone had explained LD then."

"You want me to tell you something I'm good at? I'm good at flunking, that's what I'm good at."

IEP meetings?

Photo by reynermedia

"I thought that's where my parents went to talk bad about me."

Photo by SalFalko


  • My best advice for becoming a self advocate?
  • Tell your friends
  • If you can tell your friends, it gets easier and you can tell anyone
Photo by Dave_B_

"If I can help someone learn more about my disability, then it's worth it."

Photo by gagstreet

you owe it to yourself to speak up!

It’s not easy to do that. Did anyone tell you having a disability is easy? Tell me who, and I will tell them it is not easy
Photo by stina jonsson


  • Person centered planning
  • How PCP relates to Transition
  • Transition plans
  • MAPS and Pathways curriculums/process
  • Create our own plans
Transition is interesting because it covers all disability categories in some respect.

So varied in nature - it's not just for the students who will need residential and community support, life skills, supported employment

Purpose is to help students take over the reigns and be self determined and that they understand that IEP is no longer something that other people have control over, they have control, they are responsible, and they begin to show choice and voice in their educational decision making

What is PCP?

How does it relate to transition?
Photo by Maggi_94

Three individuals with Autism

Coming of age

Where was PCP in their stories?

Self Directed IEP

The self directed IEP program was created by the Zarrow Institute - same org. that created the webinar and created the curriculum you are going to watch Tuesday.

Research student in which the teachers and student went through this training program in how to participate in and how to run the IEP meeting.

Students were taught how to script out what the say and the steps involved in the meeting.

This review PPT was shown in the beginning of IEP meetings. When shown, along with the training, there were less prompting by teachers, students took more control and responsibility of their meetings, felt more confident.
Photo by garryknight

Videos you watched

Services covered in videos

tell me about some of the programs

supported employment and sheltered workshop

how does this reflect PCP?

look up and search for supported employment in Pennsylvania
Photo by Carbon Arc


Making Action Plans
MAPS -- Making Action Plans -- is a planning process for people and organizations that begins with a story - the history. The process was designed by: M. Falvey, M
Photo by peripathetic


Lessons for teaching self advocady
Photo by martinak15

Next week

Online class
Photo by Jesse757

Nancy Morris

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