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It's shocking!

Published on Nov 18, 2015

How to use an AED (Automatic External Defibrillator)


It's shocking!

How to use an AED - Automated External Defibrillator

Call 911


Call 911

The third Law of the House of God says:

"At a cardiac arrest, the first procedure is to take your own pulse."

Photo by -Meesho-

What's inside?

Take a look.
Using an AED within 90 seconds of collapse dramatically increases the chances of survival.

Know where the closest AED is located in your workplace.

Get the AED.

Remove the cover. Turn on the AED by pressing the button.

Photo by Lorenzoclick

Follow the prompts

The machine tells you what to do. Follow the voice prompts.

Photo by nffcnnr

Stick em on

Clothes must be removed to apply the pads to a bare chest. You may have to cut clothes and undergarments off. You may have to shave a hairy chest. If no razor is available you can apply an old set of pads then rip them off or use tape to rip the hair off.

Remove the pads from the package.

Apply the pads as shown on the packaging. One pad goes on the upper right chest. The other pad goes on the left side of the chest under the left armpit.

Do not apply pads directly on a implanted pacemaker. It looks like a lump under the skin on the left upper chest.
Photo by Denis' Life

My heart beats for you

And the beat goes on, the beat goes on..
The AED is pretty smart - it will decipher whether or not to deliver a shock.

While it is analyzing the heart do not move or touch the person.

The AED will say whether a shock is advised. The AED cannot deliver a shock by accident.
Photo by rosiemrogers

Don't touch!

Do I make myself clear?
If the AED says to deliver a shock be sure no one is touching the person or they'll get shocked too!

Announce "Do NOT touch the patient. Everyone clear."

Some AEDs deliver the shock automatically. Most AED's tell you to push a button on the AED to deliver a shock.
Photo by holdit.

Please come back!

Check for a pulse. Start chest compressions if no pulse. Do chest compressions at 100 compressions per minute for 2 minutes. Press hard and go fast!

After 2 minutes has passed the AED will prompt you to analyze the heart again. Stop compressions. Wait for the AED to analyze the heart again. It may direct you to deliver another shock.

It's great to be

Don't stop chest compressions until a medical team arrives to take over or until the person regains a pulse and starts breathing again. Leave the pads on. The person will go to the hospital in the ambulance.

Good job! You just saved a life!!

Photo by comedy_nose


Photo by Gueоrgui


where's more
Photo by cod_gabriel


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