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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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More Than just an Island


According to the most recent census (2001), religion affiliation in Jamaica consists of 64% Christian (62% Protestant and 2% Roman Catholic), 2% Jehovah's Witnesses, 3% unstated, and 10% other. The category other includes 24.020 Rastafarian's, and estimated 5,000 Muslims, 3,000 Buddhists, 1,453 Hindus, approximately 350 Jews and the census reported 21% who claimed no religious affiliation.

The 62% of the Jamaican population are Protestants. Jamaican Protestantism are composed of several denomination: 24% Church of God, 11% Seventh-Day Adventist, 10% Pentecostal, 7% Baptist, 4% Anglican, 2% United Church, 2% Methodist, 1% Moravian, and 1% Brethren.

There was also a movement called the Rastafarian movement. Otherwise known as the Rasta, it was a new religious movement that arose in the 1930s in Jamaica, which at the time was a country with a predominantly Christian culture where 98% of the people were black descendants of slaves.

Food and Cuisine

Jamaican cuisine includes a mixture of cooking techniques, flavors, spices, and influences from the the indigenous people on the island of Jamaica, and the Spanish, British, Africans, Indian and Chinese who have inhabited the island. Some Jamaican cuisine dishes are variations on the cuisines and cooking styles brought to the island from elsewhere. Popular Jamaican dishes include Curry Goat, Fried Dumplings, Ackee, and Saltifsh, (cod) - the national dish of Jamaica - Fried Plantain, "Jerk", Steamed cabbage, and Rice and Peas. The Spanish brought escoveitched fish. Some main courses include Ackee and Saltfish, Brown Stew Chicken, Fried Chicken, Corned Beef, Curry Goat/Mutton, Curry Chicken, Steamed Fish, and more.


The music of Jamaica includes Reggae, Ska Jazz, Dub Music, Rocksteady, Jungle Music, and more. Jamaica has a strong global presence. Jamaica also played an important role in the development of Punk Rock, through Reggae and Ska. Reggae has also influenced American rap music, as they share roots as rhythmic, African styles of music. Internationally known Reggae musician Bob Marley was also Jamaican, and his music was shared by almost every country in the world. He truly became an inspiration to people everywhere.

Dating and Marriage

For Jamaican marriage, the legal age to marry is 16 years old. Couples who have low-income can't marry after at least 4 years of being together. This is usually after they reproduce. A couple automatically marries after being together for at least 5 years. Engagements can last from 6 months to a year. Any longer and they would have to call off the wedding. A normal marriage would involve giving up vices and leading a responsible life. Life-cycle rituals are a function of a family's religious affiliation and socioeconomic standing. After the birth of a child, Rastafarians give their children unique names, like Profile. For Catholics and Protestants, Baptism occurs usually soon after birth. The year of 16 is still the coming - of - age.

"Jamaican Beef Patties Recipe : Food Network." Jamaican Beef Patties Recipe : Food Network. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Dec. 2014.

"Jamaica - Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette." Jamaica. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Dec. 2014.

"Lifestyle." Jamaica Observer News. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Dec. 2014.
"Welcome to JamaicanLifestyle.com!" Welcome to JamaicanLifestyle.com! N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Dec. 2014.