James Chadwick used evidence collected by Irene Joliot-Curie, who discovered that when beryllium was bombarded with positively charged alpha particles a beam with a high penetrating power was created.
He began working in the Cavendish laboratory. Using polonium as a source of (what he believed were) neutrons, he bombarded wax. Protons were released by the wax and Chadwick made measurements of the protons’ behavior.
The protons behaved in exactly the manner they ought to if they had been hit by electrically neutral particles with a mass similar to the proton.
James Chadwick also discoverd that this beam was not deflected by either electric or magnetic fields, meaning it contained neutral particles- neutrons. Neutrons were found to have the same mass as protons which accounted for more of the mass of the atom.
The common understanding of an atom was now a nucleus containing positively charged protons and neutral neutrons with negatively charged electrons "orbiting" the nucleus.
Chadwick at this time did not believe he had discovered a new elementary particle. He believed the neutron to be a complex particle consisting of a proton and an electron.