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Jane Goodall

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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Jane Goodall



  • Jane was born on April 3, 1934 in London, England.
  • She got the interest of chimpanzees from her stuffed chimpanzee called Jubilee.
  • Jane was very curious with animals when she was young.
  • She spent five hours in a chicken coop just to see a chicken lay an egg!
  • She dreamed of meeting chimpanzees in real life.
Photo by TJ Morris


  • At a party, Jane met Louis Leakey. He helped her get a job with chimpanzees.
  • Her favorite chimp was David Graybeard. Jane said that his eyes showed his whole personality.
  • Her favorite female chimp was called Flo. Flo had 4 children of her own.
  • She studied chimpanzees for 50 years.
  • The place she studied chimpanzees was called Gombe Stream.
Be public!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Jane learned about chimpanzees than anyone else in the world.
  • She also learned that we need to take care of the environment and that's what she is doing right now.
  • She accomplished making the Jane Goodall Institute and teaching students about chimpanzees.
Photo by angela7dreams


  • 1934 - Born on April 3 in London, England.
  • 1957 - Heads to Africa for the first time on March 13.
  • 1971 - In the Shadow of Man, a book about her time in Africa, is published.
  • 1986 - Learns of wild chimps’ threatened extinction.
  • 1991 - Roots and Shoots begins with sixteen African teenagers.
Photo by briannaknt


  • 1994 - Begin the program TACARE [Take Care].
  • 2000 - Reason for Hope: A Spiritual Journey is published.
Photo by briannaknt


  • I think we should learn about Jane Goodall because she helped protect chimpanzees by learning about them.
  • Jane Goodall gave the world a chance to learn about chimpanzees and figure out what we can do to help them.
  • I learned that everyone has to take care of the environment at all times even if you don't like going in the forest.
  • Jane Goodall inspired me because she loves nature, helps chimpanzees, and is a great help to the enviroment.


Photo by Leo Reynolds