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Jason and the Golden Fleece

Published on Apr 05, 2016

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Jason and the Golden Fleece

Teya Wij
Photo by sofi01

Before the story

  • Aeson (Jason's father) was the rightful heir to the throne of Iolcus and a descendant of the god Aeolus
  • Pelius was Aeson's jealous half brother and son of Poseidon
  • The Golden Fleece is the skin of the flying ram of Zeus
  • The fleece was being kept in Colchis
  • Originates in ancient Greece

The story

  • Pelius bypassed his brother, took the throne of Iolcus and imprisoned him in the dungeons
  • An Oracle said that in punishment of his self centred actions, a decedent of Aeson would come of age and dethrown him
  • Aeson got married and had kids in prison, including Jason
Photo by Kotomi_

Continued story

  • Convinced that Jason was the child the oracle spoke of, when he came of age, Pelius sent him on a journey to recover the legendary Golden Fleece to which he hoped Jason would perish.
  • Jason embarked on a ship called the Argos
  • Crew called the Argonauts

Even more

  • Arrived in Colchis asked for the Fleece from King Aeetes but had to pass tests (fiery steel bull)
  • With the help of Medea, (a sorceress and King's daughter) he passed the test
  • King again tried to get Jason killed by making him retrieve the fleece guarded by a dragon
  • Zeus angered with the murder of Medea's brother, so sent monsters to destroy them. (Sirens, Skylla and Charybdis, Talos)
  • Gave fleece to Pelius, took throne with Medea

Character significance

  • Jason and the Argonauts are the heros that against all odds succeed in their journey
  • Pelius and King Aeetus are the representation of the jealous and manipulative side of humanity
  • Medea is the dedicated strong female who stands up against her malicious father


  • Jason was set up his whole life to fail but still persisted
  • His dedication to rightfully regaining the thrown in his father's name
  • Golden Fleece was revered as the "impossible journey"
Photo by stevecadman

Symbolism and Allusion

  • The Fleece is a symbol of ultimate authority and power
  • Whomever had it was granted that power
  • Canadian CFL team the "Toronto Argonauts" is an allusion to the Argos persistent and loyal crew

Jason and the Argonauts (1963)

Contemporary usage

  • Can be used to describe someone who is attempting the impossible
  • "He was out chasing the Golden Fleece while his wife stayed home and looked after the kids."
  • Talked about as a waste of time
  • Related to the term "Golden Boy" as someone described as such is usually viewed as hard to acheive
Photo by Merryjack


  • "Jason and the Argonauts." PBS. N.p., n.d. Web.
  • Black, John. "Jason and the Legendary Golden Fleece." Ancient Origins. N.p., 5 Feb. 2014. Web. 5 Apr. 2016.
  • "Jason and the Argonauts." Shmoop. N.p., n.d. Web.
Photo by mharrsch