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Jeff Koons

Published on Mar 28, 2016

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Jeff Koons

By: Danika Washington

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  • Born January 21, 1955
  • Lives in both New York City and his hometown York, Pennsylvania

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  • Best known for his banal artwork
  • Some people judge him on his art, yet he states
  • that there are no hidden meanings in his artwork.

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  • Born in York, Pennsylvania.
  • His father was Henry Koons and his mother was Gloria Koons.

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  • Studied painting at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
  • While he was studying, he met the artist named Ed Paschke, who was his
  • major influence.

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  • In 1977, Koons had enough of college, and so he moved to New York City.
  • While he was in New York City, he worked at the membership desk of the
  • Museum of Modern Art.

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  • In 1980, he became licensed to sell mutual funds and stocks.
  • He worked on Wall Street as a broker at First Investors Corporation.

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  • During the mid 1980's, he wanted to explore the art in a
  • media-saturated era.
  • Once he gain recognition, he set up a Soho loft on the corner of Houston
  • Street and Broadway that was a factory-like studio.

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  • Jeff Koons developed a color-by-number system for his assistants.
  • This system allowed them to execute his canvases and sculptures as if they
  • were done by a single hand.

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  • Koons created The Equilibrium Series in 1985.
  • This series consisted of three basketballs floating in distilled water.

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  • During the 1970's, Koons started creating sculptures using inflatable toys.
  • Jeff took an inflatable rabbit and had cast the object in highly polished 
  • stainless steel, which created his art piece called Rabbit, made in 1986.

The Equilibrium Series -1985

Rabbit -1986