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Slide Notes

Great - mega


Through the heavens
After rising from the dead


gentle - controls his passions, emotions instead
of unleashing them in exasperation

ignorant - those who just don't know any better

(Illus. Jesus wept over Jerusalem because they were like a sheep without a shepherd Matthew 9:35-38)

strays - those who wander off

God - has divine lineage - the Son of God

(Illus. remember Egyptian history - the biggest issue for a Pharoah was the ability to prove he was of divine parentage)

Appointed -

given this role as savior

by the authority of God the Father's spoken word

a representative of the things of God

Offer sacrifices - like himself - to give himself a ransom for many Mt. 20:28

makes him worthy.....

(Illus. Genesis 14:17-20.....)

order of Melchizedek

glory - credit and honor - position


Published on Nov 18, 2015

What makes Jesus great?



Great, Living,Shepherd, God, Appointed 
Great - mega


Through the heavens
After rising from the dead


gentle - controls his passions, emotions instead
of unleashing them in exasperation

ignorant - those who just don't know any better

(Illus. Jesus wept over Jerusalem because they were like a sheep without a shepherd Matthew 9:35-38)

strays - those who wander off

God - has divine lineage - the Son of God

(Illus. remember Egyptian history - the biggest issue for a Pharoah was the ability to prove he was of divine parentage)

Appointed -

given this role as savior

by the authority of God the Father's spoken word

a representative of the things of God

Offer sacrifices - like himself - to give himself a ransom for many Mt. 20:28

makes him worthy.....

(Illus. Genesis 14:17-20.....)

order of Melchizedek

glory - credit and honor - position

Goes with Us

Sympathy, Identity, Clarity
Unity - we are in this together with Jesus

sympathize with our weaknesses

experiences what we experience

weaknesses - the physical maladies of the body


tempted - strong attempt to lead us astray, Jesus experienced this as well

Matt 4:1-11, Mk 1; Lk 4

just like us

yet, in contrast to us.....was without sin

Jesus passed the test of temptation and the impact of that event continues to this day


without sin's wandering impact

without prides blind spots

without the darkness that sin brings with it
Photo by XsomniumX

Hold On

to the faith we profess
A strong grip, power grab vs. 16

The the faith

body of doctrine we believe

we claim to live by
Photo by Yogendra174


the throne of grace 
Come toward rather than away from

with courage and confidence

the seat of authority

where grace is provided

undeserved favor, preference,

A hand up

"the mess we're in"
When you boldly approach the source of power and authority for something you will find it there

receive a hand up, God bending down to help us out of a mess

find grace - find what you are looking for, implies you are seeking "a break" that will help you out of the "mess were' in

grace - the special favor of God that He extends just because He is God and we are not.

Photo by marie-ll

TIme of Need

caught off guard by bad timing
Time - akairos

- the opposite of special times when God breaks in to speak, teach, lead etc.....

- life changing moments where God does something in our lives that we never forget

Just the opposite of that

In the midst of a circumstance where it seems God has decided to take a day off, be silent rather than speak
Photo by tomylees


Jesus Got Answers
Jesus God God's attention with his prayers because

He actually took time to pray

word of listing our needs

calling out for protection

In a humble spirit

word for reverence

realization that God is God and we are not

Obedient -

chose to align himself with the Father

Photo by nan_hann


For all Who Obey
Source of eternal salvation is Jesus

the cause behind salvation's reality

the author, originator

Eternal - doesn't run out, expire, or lose it's stickiness

salvation -

rescue, deliver from a direct threat, make safe

Available for those who align their lives with Jesus

submit to dominant morals or laws

obey - who subordinate themselves to God

Untitled Slide

Michael Cadrette

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