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Jesus, My Savior

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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Jesus, The Messiah
By Brynn Burghardt

Photo by Werner Kunz

Jesus of Nazareth was born in around 7-2 B.C. to Mary and Joseph. Jesus was an unexpected child because he was conceived without Original Sin by the Holy Spirit, announced by Angel Gabriel.

Jesus was born in a small town called Bethlehem, which was Joseph's hometown. But Jesus was raised in Nazareth, Galilee.


  • Just as 8 days of his birth passed, Mary took Jesus to the temple to be circumcised.
  • Jesus received his name from Gabriel, the angel, when Mary learned that she was conceiving the Son of God
  • Jesus was a Jewish boy who went to Jerusalem every Passover at the Temple

When Jesus was 12 years of age, Mary, Joseph, and Jesus went to Jerusalem for Passover. As Passover ended, Jesus remained in Jerusalem without Mary or Joseph knowing until awhile after. Jesus was found in the temple listening to the teachers like everything was normal.

Jesus was baptized by John in the Jordan. Jesus saw the heavens being torn open and saw the Holy Spirit, in the form of a dove. It descended near our Savior and John.

The Baptism of Jesus

Jesus cleans his disciples' feet


  • At Nain, a widow weeps for her loss of her son
  • Jesus approached the coffin and said, "Young man, I tell you, arise!"
  • The man awoke from the dead like he never died or anything.
  • This was a miracle that Jesus performed.


  • Jesus died for our sins and for preaching in Jerusalem.
  • Ponchius Pilate was the judge who decided Jesus' verdict and another prisoner, a killer, was released just for Jesus to be prisoner until death
  • Mary, Jesus' disciples, and many more wept as the body of Christ was hanging right in front of them


  • Mary and other Mary went to see the tomb after Jesus was crucified
  • Jesus was not in the tomb, the angel awoke from his eternal sleep, descended from heaven, and sat upon his tomb in front Mary, as white as snow

Jesus is the Savior of the world and without him our planet would be in jeopardy or we actually wouldn't even be here. He died for all people known to exist.

The Messiah taught people how to pray.
Jesus told people of Nazareth and beyond about our land, for us to share these stories.
Jesus is life and happiness.