Jesus on Anger

Published on May 11, 2019

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Jesus on Anger

Matthew 5:21-26
Photo by Thomas Hawk

By the numbers ...

  • 17,284
  • 420
  • 2,000,000
  • 10,000,00
Photo by DaveBleasdale

Why are we so angry?

Why are we so angry?

[mass and social media aren't helping]

1. People are naturally more aggressive online

2. Hate generates more clicks than love

3. Anger can get you heard, even if you have nothing to say

Photo by Peter Forster

What Jesus says...

Jesus' theme: INSIDES MATTER
Photo by deimidis

1. Don't stew on your anger

v 21-22
Photo by RuffLife

"In your anger do not sin"

Psalm 4:4, Ephesians 4:26
Photo by ka2rina

[ different kinds of anger ]

Photo by Alex Dukhanov

What's the big deal?

"Some degree of malice is contained in every degree of anger."
- Carol Gilligan

Photo by ka2rina

2. Don't express contempt

v 22

[ greatest pain ... from words ]

Photo by Chinkerfly

"My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires." - James 1:19-20

"But I can't control myself"

3. Try to reconcile quickly

v 25-26

Why this matters ...

Photo by aftab.

Why this matters ...

  • it affects our witness
Photo by aftab.

Why this matters ...

  • it affects our witness
  • it affects our joy
Photo by aftab.

Jesus on Anger

Matthew 5:21-26
Photo by Thomas Hawk

Why this matters ...

  • it affects our witness
  • it affects our joy
  • it's an essential part of the great commandment
Photo by aftab.