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Jewish MYSTICISM and kabbalah

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Jewish MYSTICISM and kabbalah

Life of Pi Inquiry Project

what is jewish MYSTICISM and kabbalah

  • The general term for Jewish mysticism is "Kabbalah"  
  • Kabbalah means tradition
  • Practice, belief, perspective on life

Deeper look into kabbalah

  • Kabbalah is theology in the fullest sense
  • Not philosophy based on human insight
  • Not philosophy based on theories derived from human reasoning
  • It's own theory
  • Based on the relationship between God and his creation, Earth

How does Jewish Mysticism and Kabbalah relate to Life Of Pi?

Jewish Mysticism and kabbalah forms a basis for the book.
Cosmogony is any theory concerning the coming into existence or origin of the universe or about how things came to be.

Photo by Vlastula

"Life of Pi is a story that will make you believe in God."

Kabbalistic cosmogony of Arizal.

Theologians, anthropologists, and just everyday people have tried to understand how God, who is infinite, create such a finite world.

Judaism not only espouses belief in one god as appose to many but also believe that there is only one God.

......So how do we exist? How does anything exist?

back to the relationship to pi...

The Hebrew word for construction is "TsimTsum"

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  • ...threw Pi's life into havoc, taking away his family
  • leaving him alone with a Bengal tiger

But he has a choice...To see the world as a random, cruel place of suffering...

...or to see the better side, a world of meaning, beautiful nature, and miracles

Similarly, God's TsimTsum created a world where he is hidden and things appear random.

The choice is ours: see only the pain and suffering of this world, or discover the deeper meaning of it all.

Life is only as "we" understand/see it...but there is more.

Thank you for listening :)

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