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Johannes Gutenberg

Published on Nov 26, 2015

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Johannes Gutenberg impacted history because his printing press made books easy to print, which cut book costs, and due to the mass production of books, people were encouraged to become more literate.

Along with many other Renaissance innovators, Johannes Gutenberg has been able to impact history and the world today through his invention of the printing press. It reduced work labor yet could still make many books, which reduced book costs. This made books more available to the public, encouraging more people to learn how to read.


  • Was born in 1398, in Mainz, Germany
  • Died in 1468 in Mainz, Germany
  • Before him, books were written by hand
  • Invented the printing press in 1450
  • It made books more available to the public
Read the slide's title out loud (Gutenberg fast facts)
when and where he was born, but mention that it was unknown what day or month
He died in the same town he was born on February 3, 1468 at age 70
State that before his invention, books had to be copied by hand, which sometimes allowed for misprints and mistakes. This also took a long time and made books cost more due to more labor involved.
His printing press was a revolutionary invention, which allowed more books to be printed for everyone.


  • In 1455, he printed The Gutenberg Bible (1455).
  • His invention started the Gutenberg Revolution (1455).
  • His printing press inspired other inventions (Whipps).
Do not read the title out loud!

In 1455, Gutenberg printed 160-180 versions Bibles that were all the same in text, and people were able to read it for themselves without the help of a priest.
The printing press started the Gutenberg revolution, also known as the Printing Revolution. During this time, book and knowledge were made available to everyone.
His invention was key to the invention of most reading material today including newspapers, magazines, and more books.

"One single, hand copied Bible would take a scribe about four years to finish. Twenty men produced 450 Gutenberg Bibles in a year. Therefore, each Bible was produced 90 times faster, and only cost one-tenth as much as a hand copied version" (Tames 5).

Read the quote aloud
Describe before and after:
Before the invention of the printing press, a single Bible could take 4 years to copy. With the printing press, virtually 1800 Bibles could be made in the same time frame. His printing press sped up the process of copying and reduced work labor, which made book more affordable and available to the public. This in fact promoted thinking and literacy.

"Literacy levels, still low among the general population in Europe, crept upwards as the cost of books steadily dropped and book fairs became yearly occurrences in most major cities during the early years of the Renaissance" (Whipps).

Read the quote aloud.
Due to the mass production of book and decreasing prices caused by Gutenberg's useful invention, literacy was increasing. With all the reading material that Gutenberg's printing press was producing, knowledge was spreading at a quicker pace. If people wanted to know what was written in the books that were now suddenly more available or be able to comprehend the information that Gutenberg was giving to the public, they had to learn to read. With literacy increasing in the population, more ideas were being thought of as well.

Untitled Slide

This is a page from the famous Gutenberg Bible, printed on Gutenberg's printing press in 1455 (1455). This particular version was printed in Latin.

Photo parenthetical citation:
(Gutenberg Bible).

Untitled Slide

This is a picture of Gutenberg's printing press. The press itself was made of wood but the letters that were dipped in ink to make letters on the pages were made of metal (1455). The paper was placed against a type (which was the board that the press was pressing in the picture) and the letters on the paper. Then, another flat surface was pressed on the paper, making the letters leave an imprint of ink on the paper (Gutenberg printing).

Photo parenthetical citation:
(Gutenberg printing).


  • Gutenberg impacted the world today: printing press
  • Caused an increase in production of books
  • Caused a decrease in book costs and time to copy one
  • Is the reason we have many types of reading material today
  • Important to authors, who can have more people read their books like Mark Twain
In conclusion, Gutenberg has impacted history and the world today through this original invention, the printing press. His printing press could produce many books, nearly 90 times faster than a single scribe. His printing press also caused book prices to reduce, as there was less work labor involved. This allowed for more people to be able to have their own copies of books, which encouraged people to learn to read. As more information was being spread through the books that Gutenberg was producing, people wanted to be able to read the knowledge they finally had access to. Thanks to Gutenberg, others could invent many useful things we have today like newspapers and magazines. Gutenberg's invention is also especially significant to basically all authors who because of him, can have people around the globe read their books. Authors owe their success to Gutenberg who made to possible for many people to read their books for them to enjoy it. The printing press was so influential on the world today that Mark Twain, famous American author wrote this quote about Gutenberg, "What the world is today, good and bad, it owes to Gutenberg" (Andrews).


Johannes Gutenberg (first version)