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John Cabot

Published on Nov 18, 2015

Project due Friday


John Cabot's Adventure

by:Tanya Dacosta,grade 5
Photo by SwaloPhoto

Background Information

  • Born in Italy,Genoa around 1450
  • Has 3 sons Sebastian,Ludovico,Sancius
  • Only had 2 voyages
  • Moved to Sea Port of Bristol in England in 1474
  • Died in 1498

Early Life of John Cabot

  • Became a skilled navigator in 1470
  • Got married to Mattea in1474
  • Became a Venetian citizen
  • Education:John Cabot was taught cartography,
  • Education: astronomy,mathmatics and seamanship
Photo by A.Currell

Interesting Facts About JC

  • JC's last name means coastal sea man
  • His mother probably died when he was small
  • Famous for claiming Newfoundland for England
  • JC was the first recorded voyage across the NA since Vikings
  • Father's name was Guilo,Mothers name was Patricia

Sponsor And Motives

  • Sponsor: England Henry vII
  • Motive: to find a shorter route to Asia than Cloumbus
  • Motive: wanted to find a route to the West
  • Motive: to find a North passage to the Indies and China
Photo by @Doug88888




  • Found a shorter sea route than Columbus to Asia
  • Found land in the conitent North America,New foundland Canada
  • Found a North West Passage to the Indies and Chian

Impact On World
Because of John Cabot people who live in Canada today should be thankful.Who knows if it wasn't for John Cabot Canada wouldn't have been found and the people who live there might have been Native Americans

Work Cited Slide

Photo by Amir Kuckovic

Thank You For watching

by:Tanya Dacosta