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john magnesswag

Published on Dec 05, 2015

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gross domestic product

The total value of all the goods produced in a country in one year.
Photo by Tom Holbrook


Cycle or cycles of an economic system growing and shrinking
Photo by @Doug88888


The point right after an expansion and right before a contration
Photo by Justin in SD


The point right after a contraction and right before an expansion
Photo by djwtwo


The growing of activity and product in an economic system
Photo by c_ambler


The shrinking of activity and product in an economic system
Photo by cliff1066™

monetary policy

How monetary authority controls the amount of money
Photo by abbilder

fiscal policy

The use of taxes and spending by the government to help the economy
Photo by Kalexanderson

progressive tax

A tax that takes more from the wealthy and less from the poor

Regressive tax

A tax that takes more from poorer people than richer people
Photo by kretyen

porportional tax

A tax that takes the same percentage of money from everyone (example: tithing)

budget deficit

When spending exceeds income
Photo by Josh Kenzer

national debt

The amount of money a nation has borrowed all together
Photo by Werner Kunz


Large scale economic decisions