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John Wyclif

Published on Feb 03, 2016

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John Wyclif

Who is John Wyclif ?

  • He was an English Scholastic Philosopher
  • Also was theologian, Laity preacher, translator
  • and reformer and teacher at Oxford University
  • Lived in England 
  • Influential dissident to the Roman Catholic Church 

Why is he Famous

  • Wyclif gained fame when he started to publish his beliefs
  • One of his publishings is "De civili dominio"
  • Also believed the king should have more power than the pope
  • Didn't believe in private confessions  

Historical Significance

  • Set the way for future reformers 

John Hus

Who is John Hus

  • To escape poverty he became a priest 
  • One of the lead reformers of the time

Why is John Hus famous he is

  • He was a priest who went against the church's rules
  • One of the many reformers to actually do something
  • Helped Wyclif translate, then write the Wyclif Bible

Historical Significance

  • Set the way for future reformers