To contribute to gender equality and women’s empowerment in Zimbabwe.
Bring together UN development agencies, government, development partners and different gender equality advocates to support the advancement of gender equality and the empowerment of women
To document progress and challenges of the programme in video and photograph format for use on a variety of media platforms
Document progress of JPGE activities in order to demonstrate the transformative nature of the project and highlight it as a good practice on how women can be empowered through the three focus areas of participation, economic empowerment and accountability.
Human interest stories which focus on group achievements and individual stories captured from various beneficiaries narrating the transformative nature of the project
A collection of professional high resolution photographs from JPGE activities with the highest definition available on the camera (12 to 36 MP)
15 and 30 minute documentaries on JPGE activities.
1 to 3 minute videos compressed and edited for use on social media platforms, suitable for messaging on specifically Facebook and Twitter with a link to selected graphics/videos/write-ups (
Facilitation for radio and television appearances.
Kunzwana Women’s Association members who accessed microfinances finances - Produce a documentary on selected 5 success stories
Gender mainstreaming workshop for the Community Based Enterprise Strategy for the Ministry of Tourism and Hospitality Industry Short Documentary
site visits and community based tourism enterprises in Masvingo, which is part of informing the community based enterprise strategy - Capture photos
Launch of the National M&E System -Produce a media brief and capture photos
Scope of work/technical proposal including budget for the deliverables
An updated CV;
Cover letter, which should include contact information for three work-related referees;
Examples of previous work in the area of Media and Communications via a link given in the CV;
Incomplete applications will not be considered. Please make sure you have provided all requested materials;
Evaluation of Applicants:
Short-listed candidates will be requested to participate in an interview with the selection panel to present their scope of work/technical proposal.
The consultant will be asked to adhere to the standards relating to the quality of product attached hereto. All materials produced under this consultancy will fall exclusively under the copyright of UN Women, ILO and UNDP, under the JPGE programme. The successful candidate will be expected to fulfil the stated outputs and deliverables with the provision of their own camera equipment and editing facilities.
All materials produced under this consultancy will fall exclusively under the copyright of UN Women, ILO and UNDP, under the JPGE programme.
The successful candidate will be expected to fulfil the stated outputs and deliverables with the provision of their own camera equipment and editing facilities.
GROUP DISCUSSION - Mapping of Jointness in Activities & Achievement of Results - Can we have one interlinking documentary - Challenges - Financial Implications on PUNOs