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Jonestown Massacre 1978

Published on Mar 16, 2016

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Jonestown Massacre 1978

Kane White


  • Jim Jones was a cult leader.
  • The cult was named People's Temple
  • The Cult started in the 50's in Indiana
  • They moved around the country due to being judged
  • In the 70's Jim Jones convinced 1k of his followers to move to Guyanese with him

Religion Continued...

  • Jim Jones had armed guards watching the airstrip where Rep. Leo Ryan and party flew to.
  • Ryan and a few of his party were shot and killed
  • That night Jones convinced the congregation to drink kool-aid mixed with cyanide

Social Life

  • Jim Jones donated to charitable causes
  • He didnt exactly tell the truth to grow his congregation though... He promised a utopia in Guyana, when the 1000 people congregation showed up they it was all hardship.
  • Jones compared his self to Jesus Christ and Vladimir Lenin

More Facts

  • Jones held the congregation against its will with armed guards
  • The "Utopia" was more of a concentration camp, all work and no play. Everyday was hard work not an easy life like promised.

More Facts

  • They killed the children first by putting kool-aid and poisons in a syringe with medicines, and forcing the concoction in the children's throats

Charles Manson Marriage


  • Burton and her friend Craig Hammond have been talking to Manson and his friends in jail for over 2 years
  • They've been planning to make Manson's crazy thought of being immortal true by preserving his body in a glass display case like Vladamir Lenin

Economics Continued...

  • Though Manson hasn't given permission for his body to go to Burton, he has still collaborated with her and strung her along so he could get extra toiletries from her in prison
  • Burton plans on making money off of his dead body


  • Charles Manson was a cult leader
  • He convinced his followers to murder for him, also committing murders his self
  • Manson, still in prison for his killings, is planning on marrying a woman, Afton Elaine Burton, 53 years his junior.

Social Continued...

  • Manson hasn't quite given consent to Burton for marriage and has been in a medical facility getting treatment for an infection even though he believes he's immortal
  • His wedding was postponed because hes not allowed visitors at this time