Chapter 2
Why is this quote important. Well it is important to me. I remember the time when I lived in my townhouse and it was about to be dinner time. My mom was frying chicken and making mac n cheese. I was upstairs playing video games with one of my older brother and I think we were playing sonic. We were about to beat a level until my mom was shouting "Fire, fire!" I was frightened, and I was about to run out the house and check on my mom. I went downstairs to see if she was okay but when I got down there, the fire was gone and there was smoke from the kitchen through every room in the on the first floor. I asked her where the fire was and she told me that she put it out. She told me to go back up stairs and my brother and I have to stay in the room until she told us to. So I did what she told me to, but when I was upstairs with my brother, I had images of my house burned down with all the houses next to us gone with ours, my family on the streets, homeless, and nothing valuable in our hands. All of that would had happened if my mother wasn't there to put out the fire. And if she wasn't there in the kitchen like she was somewhere else in the bathroom or her room, the house would've probably burn down with us in it but thanks to my mother, we didn't have to experience that at all. I'm and so grateful for mother for stopping the fire, for protecting us without my brother and I seeing the danger, for us to live and to see my dad and my other brother again, and for being my mother.