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Journal C - Paris Dupree

Published on Jun 02, 2019

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Journal C

Paris Dupree

IDEA stands for Individuals with Disabilities Education Act . It came about in 1975 and was made to ensure that those with disabilities are allowed to attend regular school like their peers.

6 Core principles

  • Zero Reject
  • Least Restrictive Enviroment
  • Appropriate Evaluation
  • Procedural Safeguards
  • Free Appropriate Public Education
  • Parent and Child Partcipation

What does each principle mean ?

  • Zero Reject : No discrimination of any type is accepted, all students who enroll must be accepted
  • Least Restrictive Environment : The students must be educated in a setting that is similar to peers their age without disabilities
  • Appropriate Evaluation : This principle ensures that students are tested within reason and in their native language
  • FAPE : Parents and Family members are not allowed to be asked to pay anything
  • Parent & Child Participation : Makes certain that the students file, information and everything is only shared with the family & their teachers
  • Procedural Safeguards : States the rights of the parents and the things they must sign to allow their child to be tested

Why were they needed ?

  • Zero Reject was needed because students would be turned down if they had certain disabilities or were just discriminated against
  • Least Restrictive Environment was needed because although they were now allowed in schools, they would be isolated the entire day making them an " Outkast "
  • Appropriate Evaluation is the principle that brought structure to this law, students were being tested on things or in ways that their disability made it harder for them
  • Procedural Safeguards protect the family from letting their child just be tested at any given time. All test must be approved and signed by the parents.
  • FAPE is what protects the family from having to pay anything. Parents were being asked for unreasonable amounts of money because their child needs extra care but this protects them from that.
  • Parent and Child Participation is the principle that protects the confidentiality of the student and all of their information. It was needed because many would be nosy just for their own reasons but not actually be looking to help the child.

The IDEA principles underline the minimum capabilities of a teacher who has a student with a disability. The teacher must be able to understand these protections but also go above and beyond to exceed them. The teacher must be able to make their student just as good as any other. No special treatment or something that would showcase their disability. This teacher should be very willing to meet all the needs of their student but also abide by the guidelines and not "isolate" them . All applying for this position need to be willing to give extra instruction to ensure that their students fully understand.