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Juan Ponce de Leon

Published on Nov 22, 2015

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Juan Ponce de Leon

By: Haleigh Allen

Juan Ponce De Leon is from...

Santervas De Campos,Spain.


  • They were poor when Juan was born.
  • They were noble after Juan was born.

Juan Ponce De Leon's family

Didn't have any famous family memebers.

Juan Ponce De Leon was Influenced by...

Christopher Columbus

Juan occupation is...

An Explorer.

Juan is known for...

  • Became the first Governor of Puerto Rico.
  • He also led the first European expedition to Florida.

Juan's accomplishments are...

  • Conquered the island of Puerto Rico.
  • Explored the coastline of Florida.

Juan achieved fame by...

  through exploration.

Juan contributed to society by...

  • Giving Florida its Name.
  • Not a contribution, but he abused Native Americans.

Five Interesting facts about Juan are...

  • He was the first governor of Puerto Rico.
  • He was an Explorer and soldier.
  • He died on his birthday.
  • He was asked to step down from office, Because of his abuse to Native Americans.
  • He was the first European to set foot on Florida's land.

A description of Juan Ponce De Leon
Tengo cuarenta y siete anos. De donde Santervas De Campos,Spain. pelo corto Moreno. El bigote y La Barba y ojos cafes. Tiene interesante,fuerte,flaco,guapo, y talentoso.